HPV positive result not sexually active for years


im hoping anyone can help me with understanding my smear test results. I hadn't had a smear test for 8 years since my last child was born. I had one on October and have just received the results that I have no abnormal cells but am high risk hpv positive. I haven't been sexually active for approximately 7 years. Everything I've read had said that the virus should clear itself in 1-2 years and if it doesn't this is when it causes problems, so it says I'll be invited back in a year to see if it has cleared but I'm sure if it hasn't in at least 8 years it's unlikely to now. I'm so worried that it's been doing damage in all this time and I have to wait another year before it's looked at again. Is there any alternative I can seek for it to be looked at sooner? Im just so worried that I have this thing that hasn't gone in many many years and that it will cause serious damage potentially between now and my next smear. I'd be very grateful for any advice. Many thanks.

  • Hi Sarah,

    I'm not an expert but I think that HPV can stay dormant in the body for years, so it could have been transmitted early in your life and never given any signals it was there. HPV is serious because it can cause cancer of the uterus.

    You say your smear test didn't show any abnormal cells, so that means all is good and healthy, you don't have cancer. But since HPV can lead to cancer, you have a high risk of developing it in future, but it doesn't mean that you will. Some people do others don't.

    I don't know how quick the HPV could develop into cancer but if you do a test every year you should be OK, please check with a nurse or doctor. I don't know if it is possible to cure HPV completely. There is a vaccine for tens now, but that was not the case years ago.

    If you are not happy with your doctor's advice you have the right to seek a second opinion. The Macmillan Trust can also help with medical advice, they have a free phone line. Or you could ring the number below to ask the nurses here more questions.

    Hope this is helpful. All the best!

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I am very grateful. I will speak to my gp or nurse as soon as I am able, I feel so awful that my smear test was rather overdue though I guess prior to this one only reason cells would have been looked at if they were normal then. I wouldn't feel so worried if I had been sexually active in recent years as I'd feel reassurance that most infections clear within it says 1-2 years, it just feels a little pointless waiting for another year to see as it states if my immune system will clear it when I know that it must be a persistent infection because it has to have been so long since exposure. I didn't realise there was any change in the way they processed smear results and got a really awful shock seeing the hpv positive result and then all the information saying it usually clears in 24 months but for some it can persist and this then results in cell changes, I can't seem to find any percentage or risk that says of those with a persistent infection x amount is likely to cause changes. Once again thank you so much for your kind words. S x

  • Hi Sarah

    I've just come across your post and wondered if you have any update?  I have the exact same thing as you, not been sexually active for about 15 years, had regular smears and in December 19 had a HPV positive but no cell changes result.  I assume this was the first smear I had where they tested for HPV so guessing it must have been there on all the previous smears but not picked up as not tested for that. I'm not sure what happens if the next smear shows the same result, is it something that may always be there but not cause any problems and just keep having to have regular smears just in case or do they investigate further.  O just wondered if you have found out anything more 

  • Hi, I'm in the same boat, I've not been sexually active for over 10 years! 
    ive just had my first smear since they've started testing for hpv. I've come back positive and like you I've been invited to attend another smear in 12 months time. 
    I just don't get that if I've had it this long they think it will clear by next year? 

  • Hi, I have just had my second smear and its come back with the same results, HPV positive but no abnormal cells and to retest again in 12 months.  I was speaking to a retired doctor friend and she said it is almost certain that the virus has been there since I was last sexually active and thats been at least 15 years, probably more like 20.  She is fairly sure that it won't just disappear after this length of time so I am hoping, as its been there so long, it will just stay as it is and not cause any problems, apparently that is often the case.  I did read that if you get the same result 3 times in a row they can send you for a colopscopy to check that things look ok, hoping not but at least they will keep a watch on things and any problems will be picked up at a really early stage.  I guess that there are many people in the same situation now that they have started testing for HPV, hope this helps and try not to worry too much, like I said any problems can be dealt with and sorted before it turns in to something more serious.

  • Hi - does anyone have more information on this? I have just had the same result - positive HPV but no cell changes. I have had the same partner for 14 years and not been sexually active for the last few years. 

    They have said they will retest in 12 months and most people will clear up after 1-2 years. Like you guys above - I must have gotten this with my current partner or before. This means I will have had this for 14+ plus years so it's def not going away in 1-2 years!!!  I feel like I am left in limbo and worrying myself sick as there isn't much info on what the risk is if you have had it for much longer. 

    I get that I don't have cancer or the pre-cancer cells at the moment but I have just been told I have the virus that almost 100% of cervical cancer is caused by ... so my mind is in overdrive. 

    my doctor reiterated that most people's immune system gets rid of it in 2 years but I was trying to convey that I haven't contracted this recently so I must be in the minority that retain the virus long term ... which is what causes the issues! I just wish there was someone who could help put my mind at ease... but everything I am reading just points to me being one of the unlucky ones who can't shift the virus... having the virus long term is what causes the cell changes no?? 

    Surely there are other people who are going through this?  Any help would be much appreciated :-(

  • I totally understand what you are saying, nowhere does it tell you whether not being able to shift the virus will definately cause problems or whether it could alwys lie dormant.  Look up AHCC, they are natural tablets that are supposed to help shift the HPV virus with quite good outcomes.  I have been taking them for about 6 months now so will have to see what happens at my next smear,  May not be helping but its worth a try and they don't do any harm

  • Thanks Karen. 

    It really is a complete head bend. Seems like everyone else gets rid of this virus in 1-2 years but my body is choosing to hang on to it and I now have it hanging over my head for the rest of my life. 

    12 months also seems like a very long time to wait for the next one - even if I already know it will be positive!   I'll check out that website - willing to try anything tbh! 

    thanks again 

  • I totally agree, I was so upset when my second one came back the same and if I've had this virus for years iI can't see it going on its own now.  I know its probably a good thing that they will keep an eye on it but the thought of having that hanging over us is unbearable.  I half wish they hadn't just started testing for HPV, would be happy that the results had come back negative for abnormal cells if that makes sense.  Really dreading this next one being the same and having to go for a colopscopy, if that is what they will do, I'm not even sure if that is what happens after 3 HPV positive tests.  

  • I have been told that if the third positive HPV result comes back they do then do a colonoscopy to be extra sure there is nothing there on your cervix. 
    I have also read that if you have strain 16 or 18 it can be more risk of it developing but I havent been told which strain I have!? Not sure how we would know this?


    I also agree that part of me wished I had no idea about HPV but I guess the screening is a good thing. 

    I just wish I knew how likely it is I will get cancer from having persistent HPV. Not that it will change anything! 

    I also wondered if you can opt for a hysterectomy to take the cervix away... but I'm not sure how rational that is or if they would even do it. 

    my frustration is that I am in a process they have in place for the cohort of people where in most cases it will go away in 1-2 years ... and I already know I am not in that cohort! So I just want to fast forward and get some more reassurance! 

    this is actually a living nightmare. I am worried I won't ever be me again as I'll just feel like that forever and never not be thinking about it :-(