3 weeks today and no results from biopsy

Hello all,

I had a rather large lump on my neck that had to be removed 3 weeks ago. 

I was told I would have the results of the biopsy in two weeks at the longest but so far I have heard nothing.

does anyone know if this is normal? And is there a Nhs contact number I can phone to find out how it’s proccessing ? Also does longer waiting times mean the results are in favour of being good or bad?

I had been getting many symptoms the coming months before hand, feeling very tired and fatigued and started to panic a bit about it, so I’m getting a bit anxious about the time it’s taking. 


Thank you 

  • I've waited just over 3 weeks for results of uterine biopsy, I was told 2-3 weeks as the hospital pathology is busy, I'm panicking coz I just dont know what to think? I rang the consultants secretary end of last week and all she said was the results had not been sent to consultant yet, and that his office closes from today until the 28th !!!

    I guess a few more days or couple of weeks doesnt matter even if it is cancer? That's what I keep telling myself ???

    I'm trying to focus on christmas and whenever the letter arrives "what will be will be"

  • Yeah we are on the same boat!

    i hope your results all turn out fine. 

    Is it possible to get a bad result through mail? I was always under the impression that if it’s a mail result it tends to be good news and all is clear but if it’s bad, you would receive a telephone call to make an appointment with the doctor, but I’m not 100% sure 

  • My consultant said I would receive results through the post, I'm thinking that if it's bad news it will read something like "abnormalities found" and an appoitment attached to discuss with consultant?

  • I just phoned my consultants office earlier this morning. They are told me the normal waiting time is 6-8 weeks for results to come back! I was 100% sure they said after about 2 weeks. So I guess I have still a fair bit of waiting to go. 

  • Where abouts are you? Different areas may have different waiting times?

  • I’m in East Ayrshire, Scotland. 

    Yeah I wasn’t sure about the areas having different waiting times, might be why I have up to 6-8 weeks! Unless different biopsy’s have different waiting times could be another reason but I’m not sure. 

  • Hi

    At this time of year things really slow up in nhs. I know I had long waiting times. My two week rapid referral took two months Nov To Jan. On first appt was told 2 weeks wait for biopsy,then got a phone call to come straight back to have biopsy. I was given an appointment there and then to come back for results two weeks later.

    I was at Neurology in Glasgow the day before I was due to get results my neuro knew I had a biopsy but said he cant see results as different health board area.But he did say the drug he was going to prescribe for me can cause cancer then went on to say so I cant prescribe it for you. That statement said to me he did know. So when I got a cancer diagnosis next day I already knew.

    So what I am saying is your information isnt released untill your consultant says so.Even if your GP has results they wont tell you if letter states patient not informed by Consultant.

    I had to have a second biopsy and asked a junior Dr what the letters and numbers meant she wouldnt say,just said ask Consultant.So another two week wait to ask a question!

    It is very frustrating having to wait so long but try to stay positive and keep your mind busy.

    Wishing you the very best with your results xx

  • Hi Caravan,

    I waited 6 weeks for my biopsy results (removed via hemithyroidectomy)and was told the results face to face on 20th last week,I understand the nerves and frustrations you are feeling but these things take time ,good luck





  • Hi Clara,

    Thanks for responding 

    So sorry for your cancer diagnosis. 

    Yeah I have heard this time of year can get really busy! I was advised to phone back in 3 weeks if I didn’t hear anything in that time so hopefully not too much longer to wait.

  • Hi Carl, 


    Thank you for responding.

    Yeah I wasn’t defiantly expecting my results much sooner and never knew others had to wait so long until I did a bit of research on old forums. Christmas period can’t help either! 

    Anyway hopefully I won’t have too much longer, 3 weeks already past so won’t be too bad I suppose.


    thanks again