Polyp removal & bleeding

5 weeks ago I had a cervical polyp removed. This polyp was found during a routine smear. Results from smear was normal but polyp was abnormal with cellls at CIN2. 5 weeks later I'm still bleeding after the procedure. Does anyone know if this is normal? I don't want to make a fuss and I don't know if I should call the clinic & ask or my gp. 
I have a follow up appointment in 6 months. I'm worried the cells from the polyp would have spread to my cervix. Any reassurance will be greatly appreciated 

  • Hello Jblackshaw

    I'm sorry to hear that you're still dealing with some after effects of your recent procedure. It would be a good idea to give your GP or the hospital a call about this. If they need to see you sooner than your follow up then this can be arranged. 

    Hopefully they'll be able to reassure you and you can enjoy Christmas. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator