Pea sized lump on neck


The other day I found a small pea size lump a 1cm or so below my ear and right by my jaw. It is very hard and won't move. 

I have gone to the doctors and they have sent me for blood tests. I'm otherwise the healthiest I've been in years, I am only 20 but still, and honestly haven't been sick for ages (past couples years I had tonsillitis quite often). I haven't lost any weight and I feel quite good aside uni stress!

I'm trying to tell myself it's not serious but I'm so scared that because of where it is and the fact it won't move that it's going to be the big C word.  

im not expecting any kind of diagnosis of course  just would be nice to hear some reassuring words or experiences or if any of you know any info that could keep me calm until I get results!