Hi all,
I have been experiencing various neck, shoulder and throat pains since Dec 2018. I have been backwards and forwards to my GP since January. I was referred to ENT who decided to remove my tonsils due to a tonsil stone. Needless to say whilst this was probably necessary it's not the problem.
Other than this, I've been to see 2 physios 3 times who have both said the same...the muscles are tight in that shoulder but there is no cause they can help with.
I finally requested to see another gp who said within 5 minutes there is visible collarbone swelling (no particular lump just swollen area) which needs investigating. I have been referred for xray and bloods followed by a scan if necessary.
She mentioned things like lymphoma and lymphnode issues and thyroid cancer or disease.
I am worried sick, I have wanted this action for 11 months but despite 11 GP visits nothing happened. I can't help but fear the worst and feel angry i have been left like this for so long.
Has anyone experienced similar symptoms;
Sharp pain on left side collarbone
Pain in throat(not sore throat but like a tugging lower of throat)
Swelling around collarbone (not a lump just general swelling)
Ache under armpit and front of breast
Thank you