Cancer showing in lymph nodes

Hi, I'm newly diagnosed as having cancer showing in lymph node biopsies. Tests are ongoing ct scans, pet scan, mammogram, colonoscopy, us core and fn biopsies, endoscopy, blood tests, chest xray. Just one abdominal ct next week then hopefully results a few days later. My ability to cope with all this is being overridden by the excrutiating pain in my neck, shoulder and arm. I've  been given co-codamol, ibuprofen, omaprazole and although good as a knock out, they haven't stopped the cramps. My Dr has now taken me off ibuprofen and given me diazepam, only to be used when really needed. Problem is I can't get any relief from the cramps until I lie down. I'm stuck in bed, wanting to take my mind off things and get on with the simple things in life but the pain lays me up. Has anyone else experienced this situation and can give me any tips or am I destined to be a layabout until they find the primary source and carry out treatment.

  • Hello Twolumps, 


    What you are experiencing at the moment sounds rather painful and it might be worth getting in touch with your doctor again to see whether there is other pain relief available to you while you are waiting for the results of all your tests. It must be incredibly frustrating to be stuck in bed unable to do anything. I hope you will hear from others here who have experienced this type of situation before and that they will share tips with you. Our nurses are also available on this free number 0808 800 4040 if you wanted to talk things through with them. Their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope you get to the bottom of all this very soon and that your pain subsides and you feel better soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie, I spoke to the hospital and my Dr on Friday. They seem reluctant to give me any other medication. I still need to try the diazepam but must speak to the chemist first about how to take it with omeprazole as they react together. To be honest, I can't wait until the 16th when all my results will be in we get to the bottom of this either way and I can get some treatment.