I'm sure everything will be fine but as most of you here know the waiting is agonising. I had a colonoscopy about a month ago. I've been having pain in my left side for months. I have already had an ultrasound to rule out other possible causes. At the first colonoscopy they found a large polyp which couldn't be removed at the time. I had it removed yesterday (via sigmoidoscopy). I'm sure it will be fine but have another 2-3 weeks to wait for the results of histology. The person completing the procedure has also recommended a follow up colonoscopy in 6 months - is this usual? I wasn't expecting another one for at least a year. Obviously it's great that they are being vigilant but I don't exactly love this procedure. I'd don't find them unbearably painful and have managed with gas and air the last 2 times (twice in one month!!). The prep is grim too but I can laugh at the situation!
It's just the waiting. The waiting makes me crazy. There is a history of breast and colon cancer in the family. It's hard not to imagine the worst even though I'm sure it's fine.
Also, for anyone who has to have a colonoscopy, we are all different and as I said it was uncomfortable, painful at times, but not unbearable. I chose not to have sedation and it worked out but I had kept my options open. We never know how things will go on the day.