Colonoscopy... waiting for results

I'm sure everything will be fine but as most of you here know the waiting is agonising. I had a colonoscopy about a month ago. I've been having pain in my left side for months. I have already had an ultrasound to rule out other possible causes. At the first colonoscopy they found a large polyp which couldn't be removed at the time. I had it removed yesterday (via sigmoidoscopy). I'm sure it will be fine but have another 2-3 weeks to wait for the results of histology. The person completing the procedure has also recommended a follow up colonoscopy in 6 months - is this usual?  I wasn't expecting another one for at least a year. Obviously it's great that they are being vigilant but I don't exactly love this procedure. I'd don't find them unbearably painful and have managed with gas and air the last 2 times (twice in one month!!). The prep is grim too but I can laugh at the situation! 
It's just the waiting. The waiting makes me crazy.  There is a history of breast and colon cancer in the family. It's hard not to imagine the worst even though I'm sure it's fine. 
Also, for anyone who has to have a colonoscopy, we are all different and as I said it was uncomfortable, painful at times, but not unbearable. I chose not to have sedation and it worked out but I had kept my options open. We never know how things will go on the day. 

  • Hi Frances; welcome to the forum.

    Our members know how tough the wait can be so hopefully some of them will stop by soon to offer their support and advice.

    In the meantime I hope this information I've found online about waiting for news will help to keeping that nagging doubt and worry at bay until you find out more.

    Fingers crossed everything comes back o.k.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • My father in law had polyps removed. And had to have

    a check up 6 months later. His polyps are all benign. Did they give you any clue as to wether they were concerned at all.  I think they can normally tell by looking at the polyp.  

    I had a colonoscopy in September the whole prep is grim isn't it. But the actual procedure is ok 

  • After the first colonoscopy the endoscopist said that it was one that needed removing sooner rather than later as it had a high chance of becoming cancer and once it was removed I would have a follow up colonoscopy in 1-3 years. On the day he removed it he recommended a follow up in 6 months depending on the results of the histology. I feel calmer and a bit more rational about it today. 

    Also just wondered if people felt pain or discomfort after a polyp removal. I don't have anymore bleeding so I'm not excessively concerned. Just uncomfortable. 

  • I think that all sounds really positive. They have taken out something precancerous. That's brilliant.  And just like someone having a precancerous mole removed. Or precancerous cervix cells etc.  And my father in law had the same with 6 monthly check up. Then it will be a year. I'm sure you are bound to be sore they have cut something out.  Try not to worry the main thing is it's gone. .