Swollen lymph in armpit

Hi All, 

About 2 weeks ago I noticed pain in my left breast. It was intermittent but mostly on the outer side of the breast. As time has passed I started to experience discomfort in my arm pit on the same side and finally a week ago I realised that the flesh at the front of the armpit   (where the boob connects to the armpit) has swelled. It’s not a hard swelling, but a soft, tender and quite large one. It took me all week to get an appointment with the gp as they are swamped, and the pain in this area has been increasing. I now can’t wear most of my bras where the strap presses on the area and my breast feels odd, heavy and achey. I finally managed to see the nurse (not a gp) yesterday who could feel the swelling. She examined the rest of the armpit and breast and could find nothing else obviously alarming. She’s prescribed me a strong anti inflammatory for a week and has booked me in with her in a weeks time for review. She’s not explained the possible causes of this swelling but said I’ll need a referral to the breast clinic if there is no improvement after the week is up. I’m really anxious, firstly because I can’t find anything online that can explain this swelling without it being nasty. I did have a cold last week but nothing major and I have not injured the arm or have any issues with my arm. All photos of swollen lymph nodes look different to mine, mine is big and soft, almost feels like slightly dense excess fat rather than a hard lump and tender under pressure. I’d love it if someone could suggest other possible causes of this that aren’t cancer related. I’m fairly young at 35, but do have a history of BC in the family. Just worried I have to wait a week before being referred. Can honestly not see this being gone in a weeks time. I’m also getting pain now streaking up my shoulder? I’m my own worst enemy with over worrying . Thank you in advance for any replies

  • Thank you Bumblegal. I would just like this constant nagging discomfort to stop. I have been reading about suitable bras, and swoop and scoop...but I guess its trial and error if you manage to get a bra that truly fits comfortably. I will try a supportive sports bra. I think women with breast problems should have access to a specially trained consultant to be measured and fitted.

    Last time I bought bras, despite being measured,  I had to go for the least uncomfortable option because there wasn't a single bra in Mark's and Spencer's or Debenhams that fitted well. 

    I think you are absolutely right about extra breast tissue, as I can get a little bit of comfort by pulling it forward from under my arm, so my arm is not resting on it. 

    Thanks again xx

  • Hi,

    I have just seen this thread and I'm terrified as I had a very small lump in left breast and was sent to see a Dr at the hospital. He said thinks lump is nothing to worry about but he also said I had swelling under the armpit. His words were Axilla. I feel tender in this area and he's arranged for me to have a Mammogram and Ultrasound next week. I also had Blood tests at my GP surgery and got a text asking me to phone for telephone appointment to discuss the results. I'm getting a call from her tomorrow so now I'm really worried. I won't be able to handle any bad news as My son was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer this year and I fell and broke my hip as disabled already and still recovering from this. You say you were going to the Breast Clinic please can you tell me if everything was ok as I'm sitting here thinking the way this year has gone then I will have cancer and I'm making myself so ill with worry. I pray everything was ok for you after your visit.

  • Hi sounds like you have had such a lot on your plate that it’s quite hard to feel positive. But to be honest I was so scared with the swelling I had and kept looking at google and scaring myself silly. The breast clinic though was amazing they took such good care of me and said it’s usually not cancer but obviously they needed to check. I had a scan and they told me immediately that it was just extra tissue which can happen especially at my menopausal age, I was so relieved. But I’m not underestimating how worried you will be as it’s all you can think about to start with but the whole point is that you are so doing the right thing by going to get it checked out. Good luck try to stay positive xx

  • Just reading this and I feel so much better. I had this about 6 months ago. Nothing to feel, I can't feel any lumps but a discomfort, sometimes burning sensation more an irritation in my armpit and at the edge of my left breast.  I had no rash and nothing visible to see. I had a mammogram and all good. However for 2 weeks now it's back. I have been terribly anxious imagining all-sorts. I'm overweight and am sure the fat in my armpit doesn't help! If it persists I'll call my GP again but getting an appointment due to Covid is impossible. I'm 5 years post menopause but lately have been having menopause symptoms so I'm pretty sure it's also hormonal. I am a bit obsessed about it and keep feeling under my arm so I'm sure that's it helping!! I hope everyone who has posted is well. 

  • Hi all.

    I'm in my early 30s and I've had tenderness and heat underarm - sort of right in the space between my left breast and arm and over my shoulder for about 3 months now - on and off. It's dotted around in when it occurs during my cycle - maybe one day here and there, but generally is at its most noticeable around a week before and a few days after my period.

    Ocassionally it'll lead to slight shooting heat right down to my nipple and around my shoulder and top of my arm and is additional to the pain in my breasts that I usually feel around the time I'm due to start my period.

    I'm overweight, and this pandemic has just compounded the problem in that my arms are quite big and putting weight on has perhaps caused more pressure on where my bra strap sits - and even when I don't have a bra on, I can feel pressure against the sore area.

    If I feel around; there is one sort of fatty deposit about 1 inches deep that is relatively tender to touch and now I know it's there I'm massively aware of it - but I can't genuinely pinpoint that that's where the pain and heat are coming from - and knowing it's there and it's sore, I must be holding my arm differently to compensate; but it's probably making it worse - plus constantly checking it will be compounding tenderness. My arm is now almost constantly tense unless I actively try to relax it - the front of the shoulder just below the end of the collarbone is especially achey if I don't try to relax before too long.

    I also work at home (have been since March last year) - sitting (on a bar stool) at what can also be used as a standing desk (I go between them) - so I do regularly lean my left arm up against the riser - which I can see would contribute to shoulder/upper arm pain. But crucially, I can't decide whether the pain is symptomatic of holding my arm up too high, or if it was sore before and is just being worsened by doing that.

    I had put it down to that for a good month or two, and since it came and went around my period (or at least I was less aware of it), also due to hormones... I had hoped it was just a phase and it would just go away, but every time it crops up and I mark it down in my period tracker and look at the ocassional randomness of it, I just have this incapacitating panic run through me that I'm ignoring something that might end up being beyond the point of help. 

    Sorry for the rambling - I've been trying to contact my doctor all morning (and failing) because I've just had a jury citation in for the first time in my life and now I'm wondering - if it is a problem with my lymph nodes or something else serious, then, having not been *anywhere* (barely even going outside) all year and not seeing my family at all etc, I'm being forced to sit in a room with complete strangers for up to 10 days (potentially) when I might have a underlying health condition.


    (Update - having had a doctor do a breast exam, they're pretty convinced it's a Fibroadenoma, not a lymph node; but am being sent for an ultrasound just to be sure. It's about 1-2 cm big and is just slightly too far up my breast to possible be caught in a Mammogram.)


  • [@hades21]‍  how did the ultrasound go? I obviously hope well. Just I had something similar to you, tends to be more pronounced the week before my period and up to a couple of days after, so am just curious

  • Hi, I am so happy I found this forum, as I have been suffering with exactly the same symptoms. I have a very slight swelling in my left armpit. Left breast tenderness,  left arm pit as well. The slight swelling in the left arm pit the Dr did not even notice it... I literally had to show both arm pits so that she could identify it. I have aching in the left arm pit and in the arm. The dr could see how worried I was so referred me to the hospital for a scan so i am due to be booked two weeks. I am 42 and no family history of cancer. I am hoping it is good news as I don't have any bumps or lumps on my breast, as i said only a slight swelling in arm pit with achy pain which is on the side of the left breast too.

  • Hi,

    This is pretty much my identical symptoms - swollen armpit, tender part where the breast meets armpit and tenderness all over. I am going through the menopause, I'm 43. Currently on day 6 of a bleed and on HRT. What worries me so much is that I also have a lump and the on off pain is with me all the time. I had a mammogram last year on the lump and it was clear - fibrous changes. But I am just so worried at the moment, I haven't been in pain like this before. Went to the doctor's yesterday who felt the lump and also thickening in another area. My neck has been aching for months when I turn it , thought my new pillows were too high but this morning I can definitely feel a swelling below my collar bone on the same side. I have been referred again. I am so hoping this is all hormonal but with my symptoms not going away, I am becoming increasingly concerned  


  • Sorry to jump on a old post, did you ever find out what this was