Swollen lymph in armpit

Hi All, 

About 2 weeks ago I noticed pain in my left breast. It was intermittent but mostly on the outer side of the breast. As time has passed I started to experience discomfort in my arm pit on the same side and finally a week ago I realised that the flesh at the front of the armpit   (where the boob connects to the armpit) has swelled. It’s not a hard swelling, but a soft, tender and quite large one. It took me all week to get an appointment with the gp as they are swamped, and the pain in this area has been increasing. I now can’t wear most of my bras where the strap presses on the area and my breast feels odd, heavy and achey. I finally managed to see the nurse (not a gp) yesterday who could feel the swelling. She examined the rest of the armpit and breast and could find nothing else obviously alarming. She’s prescribed me a strong anti inflammatory for a week and has booked me in with her in a weeks time for review. She’s not explained the possible causes of this swelling but said I’ll need a referral to the breast clinic if there is no improvement after the week is up. I’m really anxious, firstly because I can’t find anything online that can explain this swelling without it being nasty. I did have a cold last week but nothing major and I have not injured the arm or have any issues with my arm. All photos of swollen lymph nodes look different to mine, mine is big and soft, almost feels like slightly dense excess fat rather than a hard lump and tender under pressure. I’d love it if someone could suggest other possible causes of this that aren’t cancer related. I’m fairly young at 35, but do have a history of BC in the family. Just worried I have to wait a week before being referred. Can honestly not see this being gone in a weeks time. I’m also getting pain now streaking up my shoulder? I’m my own worst enemy with over worrying . Thank you in advance for any replies

  • Hi,

    I was reading your post and for a second I actually thought I had wrote it myself! I have the exact same symptoms to the point where ive had to buy post surgery bras as the pain is unreal with a normal bra. I also have armpit lump. Ive had fevers on and off for months which im under investigation for and I plan on mentioning this at my next appointment on Wednesday. Just seeing how your getting on, any further forward?

  • Hi! 

    Thank you for replying! Still taking my weeks worth of anti inflammatories at the moment. I go back next Monday for a review. My period has started today so I’m interested in seeing if the pain eases once the period is over or if it feels the same as it has done. It’s definitely less sore today but I think that’s the medication kicking in rather than anything else. I’ve had no chills or fevers at all. Sorry to hear you have. What’s the plan for you? Have you been referred for any further investigation? It’s all such a worry! Hope you get some answers soon! Keep me posted x

  • Hi! 

    I was wondering how you got on as I have the exact same swelling and am currently waiting for my breast clinic appointment in 10 days. 


  • Hi! So I was referred to the breast clinic and from that was sent for a mammogram and ultrasound of the swelling in the breast. The consultant was fairly sure it was hormonal- apparently you can get hormone pain in just one breast. Ultrasound revealed that the swelling is migratory breast tissue so nothing to do with the lymph's. Mammogram came back clear so it really is down to hormones. Since then the pain has stopped and I'm left with my little fatty swelling which I really don't mind. Best of luck with your appointment. Hopefully they'll be able to reassure you as they did me.

  • Thanks for replying! Glad yours was all clear! Hopefully mine will be too! 

  • I am currently up the walls with the same symptoms as you at the moment.

    Swelling to front of one armpit, no lumps just fatty loose skin. I have a docs app for next week. 

    This gets tender every now and then but I wouldnt say painful. 


    Anxiety is through the roof at the moment

  • Hi im experiencing the same i noticed last week my left armpit was more swollen then my right just felt weird in my bra  when i lifted my arm up you can see the swelling but when i push it there isnt anything there no lump just like fatty tissue...my left boob does feel weird and fuzzy somtimes when im due on ive been prodding it more then i should be . I had a breast scare 2 years ago the same boob where i had some thickening of the breast tissue that all came back normal...i suffer from terrible health anxiety also . Its literally made me ill with the worry im to terrified to go doctors to get it checked as keep thinking the worse case scenario.  So im on here hoping to get some answers as what you described jf mum sounds a lot like mine...i also have quite big breasts and wear a il fitted underwire bra so im hoping its migrated cause of that ...i know i should go doctors but i could not handle bad news....how did you get on cece xx



  • I have the exact same as all of you. Uncomfortable fleshy swelling between the armpit and breast so when I put my hands on my head my right breast is rounded and my left has swollen breast tissue so it’s not rounded anymore. I had antibiotics but they didn’t help and now I’m wearing soft sports bras instead of underwired as it’s so uncomfortable across the swelling. I did have breast reduction surgery in 2014 so I don’t know if that could cause anything. I’m going to the breast cancer clinic tomorrow morning and dreading it as I had a lump scare the other side in 2011 and the core biopsy was so awful as he didn’t leave the anaesthetic time to be properly numb so I’m really scared especially as they have said my husband can’t come because of the covid situation, this swelling though is nothing like the lump before it’s a 5 cm long fleshy swelling. I’m just over the menopause but still get the occasional hot flush so I’m praying it’s menopausal but I’ve got an achey shoulder blade too 

  • I am new to this forum. I am 63 and well over the menopause.  I have a lot of discomfort in what seems to be a roll of fat to the side of my breasts on both sides. I am pretty sure this is soft swelling. I have seen a doctor who simply said there were no lumps, no weight loss etc, and as it was both sides it was extremely unlikely to be anything sinister.

    This has been painful now for a few weeks, but no explanation. I find it feels like an uncomfortable lump when I lay down on it in bed.  

    I am so glad I have found other people with the same symptoms. I felt very alone.


  • Hi Tansys Mum

    i went on Monday to the breast cancer clinic and was given the all clear after a mammogram and a scan, didn’t even need the biopsy. They said it was just extra breast tissue and mine could be as I’ve had the breast reduction years ago sometimes a small amount of breast tissue comes back. They also said that because of my age I’m 54 hormones can cause it so they suggested I take evening primrose oil and cut down on my caffeine so immediately I went and brought caffeine free teabags and the evening primrose oil capsules, it was such a relief and at the scan the doctor said absolutely nothing suspicious there and definitely no cancer. Yours does sound hormonal especially as it’s in both breasts rather than one but if you are really worried ask to be referred so you can get peace of mind. My left side is uncomfortable but it’s just the tissue. The breast consultant told me also that she wears a sports bra and wishes more women would as the wire isn’t great on the breast I have switched to sports bras and they are so comfy across the swelling. Wishing you all well on here xx

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