Swollen Tonsils for 2 months, no antibiotics have worked.

It's best to explain through a timeline.

14th of October I had a very sore throat l, went to the doctors and was given antibiotics that didn't contain Pencillian, she did a swab test and it came back as Strep Throat.

15th I flew out to Greece.

16th of October I stopped taking the antibiotics as they were making me sick and gave me diarrhoea.

Days leading up to the 22nd of October my tonsils were so enlarged and sore I couldn't breath properly and was in excruciating pain with my ear and the right hand side of my face, also allowing me not to talk.

22nd October we made an emergency trip to a Greek hospital, were she said I should just chance flying. So I flew home that day.

23rd October early hours of the morning, I had to go A&E because the pain was unbearable. Blood tests were done and they said I had tonsillitis gave me 4 different types of medication (12 tablets a day) for one week they were:

5 Prednisolone once a day 

1 metrondazole three times a day

1 co-amoxiclav three times a day

1 naproxen twice a day

Once I finished the course of all this medication it came back straight away. My right tonsils was really swollen again, ear in pain and swollen glands on the right side of my neck and face.

2nd of November I booked an emergency Doctors appointment, he put me on another course of antibiotics which were penicillin. I did this for 10 days, finished the course but the swollen tonsils came back again

18th of November I went to my GP I asked to be referred to the ENT clinic he said no and made me do blood tests because he thought it was Glandular fever. Put me on the same course of penicillin I had just been on.

25th of November blood test came back I haven't got glandular fever and everything appeared normal.

30th of November finished course of Pencillian, I've woken up with my right tonsils really swollen and sore with an earache.

I've been ill for nearly 2 months now and  have been constantly on antibiotics for that time period. I'm really scared that this is something more sinister.

Please someone help.




  • Hi Fran1998cesca,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about what you've been through recently.

    Unfortunately no-one here can really advise what may be the issue. It sounds like you've done a lot to get answers in terms of repeat visits to the GP and so on. The only thing I can really think of to suggest would be to revisit the doctors but to ask to see a different GP this time.

    It may also be helpful to keep a small daily note of any symptoms, so that you can note any changes or progression - and also discuss this with the doctor.

    If you'd like to talk anything through with our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, sorry you've been going through this, i understand the frustration and it may help to get a second opinion as it never hurts.


    I too was ill back in june/july 2019 with asore throat and cough which lasted 1-2 weeks. But from then to know i still cough up phlegm mostly on a daily basis. I have coughed blood streaked phlegm which was on of the reasons why i visited a gp. Its a shame its taken me from then to now to be diagnosed with tonsilitus as i have only noticed swolen tonsils. But one of them is bigger than the other wit a lump or something on it? I would like to post a picture if i can if anyone wants to see what i mean.

    I was on PHENOXYMETHYLPENICILLIN but a few days after taking it i have a reaction in the face (only for some reason). Im on a different antibiotic but still coughing up phlegm. i had no issue of pain or anything in my throat since i was sick last summer but they are feeling uncomfortable recently on these drugs. I too dont think they will get rid of the tonsilitus as they could have been swollen for several months...But i do have a constant raised crp for the last 2 months, after the antibiotics i need t do another.

    Do you notice a lump or anything on your swollen tonsils?

    If someone can explain anything to me about this let me know please.

  • Hi,

    Do you have any update on what happened with the doctors and your symptoms?

    I'm in exactly the same position at the moment and really worried. 

    Thank you

  • Hi there,


    Unfortunatly when the first lockdown happened, i was due a bloodtest to follow up from previous ones.

    And because of this, i never had it done. After my anti-biotics, nothing really changed apart from i eventually started getting mucus from the nose, coming through phlegm.. which included hair and stuff.
    With all the covid its impossible to SEE a gp, or even explain over the phone whats happened/happening.

    My tonsils are still swollen, i still get constant phlehm somedays, somedays its fine but i do sometimes feel at least once a day to feel something stuck in my throat.

    I can't really update on anything but i hope you do.
    Let me know if you do, and il try remember to update this page if/when i do.


    Stay safe

  • Thank you! At least it hasn't got any worse, which I suppose is something. I hope it gets better for you! I'm not too worried, it's mostly just really annoying. 
    Will let you know 

  • Your welcome! 
    Yeah it is really annoying, but its been too long, i should really try to do more about it in terms of seeing dr's again.

    Stay safe 

  • Hi did you end up finding out what caused it? As I'm having similar problems 

  • Hiya,

    I did not, no. During the first lockdown i was due a blood test the day after, but did not go for those reasons, ever since i kept putting it off. I've not been told to have it done though so.. i guess i wont have it seen to.
    I hope you find out soon, and if you do please don't hesitate to let me know how you get on!


    Best wishes



  • Hi thought I would just let you guys know what happened with mine. Yours sounds identical to mine. I have had tonsilitus for 9 weeks now, my tonsils are still swollen. I had 2 courses of moxycillin and they didn't work along with a course of a stronger penicillin. I was then put on a drip in hospital with steroids to try bring the swelling down. Nothing has worked I went back to the hospital today and they basically said because you can eat and drink and in no pain you will have to deal with it. They don't just take tonsils out now, you have to have multiple bouts in a year and even though they have been swollen for 9 weeks they said the risk to remove is too high. They said gargle with salt water and that's it. Feel very let down as it's not painful but extremely annoying. The doctor said they will go down by themselves in time. They also did multiple blood tests and swab test and all came back fine. 

  • can i ask, were you exposed to the heat/sun before your problem occured?