Swollen lymph node and tonsil

for the past 4 months I have noticed that one of my tonsils was swollen (on the right side) no pain, no nothing. I finally booked an appointment as I obviously did a google search and scared myself silly. The doctor said it was nothing and that the only time I should worry is if it gets bigger. 

After I was still so paranoid as I felt like he didn’t examine me properly to find out the cause and it was just assuming, because I have never had tonsillitis, I don’t have reflux and I haven’t had a cold lately. The only thing I can think of was about a year ago I had a sore throat. 

I went to another doctor who also said that it’s not a problem and it would only be a cause for concern if it was inflamed but it’s only swollen. 

A few days ago I was just feeling around my neck and found a small lump about 2cm below my left ear which I had never felt before. It doesn’t hurt, I went back to the doctor who has now put me on antibiotics but I don’t see any change in the lump. I’m so worried it’s cancer, Ive tried talking to my husband about it but I get the sense he just thinks I’m overreacting. However, I can’t see anything else that would cause and swollen tonsil on the right and a swollen lymph node on the left. I’m just so worried. 

I had a baby 7 months ago and considering you have so many blood tests when pregnant, would it not have picked up that something is wrong? 

