Lumps in calf - waiting for diagnosis

I just wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience and to ask a bit of advice as have been worrying this week. I am a 50-year-old otherwise healthy female (aside from feeling constantly tired which is probably normal with 3 teenagers in the house!). On Monday I noticed 2 hard lumps on the inside of my left calf. I hadn't noticed them before and I know my body quite well so they have appeared very suddenly. They feel quite deep, but I can feel them even when I lightly move my hand over my leg. When I apply a little pressure, they feel hard and immoveable. I saw my doctor on Wednesday and she said she was not sure  what they were so sent me for an urgent ultrasound which I had today. The person who did the scan (don't know if he was a sonographer or radiologist), said they are fatty lumps, 1 x 2cm and 1 x 1cm, and that he would refer the ultrasound results back to the doctor. The lumps are quite painful when pressed and he seemed to think that was a bit unusual for fatty lumps. I just wondered what I can expect next. I have read a bit about fatty lumps, benign lipomas, which are fairly common, and malignant liposarcomas, which I know are rare, and I wondered if the two types of lumps can be distinguished from each other on an ultrasound or is a biopsy the only sure way to tell? Any thoughts, advice or similar experiences welcomed. I know that the lumps are most likely not cancerous but I worry as my dad was diagnosed with his cancer at my age and died at 56 so just want to make sure that I am armed with all the facts to make sure the follow up is thorough. Thank you!

  • Welcome to the forum Nix although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    The question you've asked in relation to the reading you've been doing will be best answered by your doctor so do be sure to make a note of this and take it with you so you can find out about this when you get your results.

    Hopefully some of our members who have had similar lumps will be along soon to let you know about their experiences and what may happen next.

    Fingers crossed you won't be waiting too long to find out the results.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator