Worried about firm lump between breasts on sternum

I haven't been to the dr yet but will make an appointment tomorrow.

I discovered this lump a while ago (2 ish years ago) but assumed it was a lipoma as I have a few on my body already. It is located centred between my breasts but slightly below them on the sternum.

 I hadn't thought anything of it until this evening when I was feeling in this area and noticed it was quite a bit bigger than I had remembered. It also feels quite tender when I press on it.

Now I have gone to google it and lots of the information I'm finding is indicating that there could be a good chance that it is metastic cancer. I'm now super worried. Has anyone had something similar and have found out that it was all ok? 

  • Hello WorriedSa, 

    You've done the right thing in booking an appointment to see a doctor. Your doctor will be in the best position to tell you more about this. Try not to look anything up on Google - as many here will tell you, it will only bring you the worst case scenarios and make you worry even more. 

    I hope you can see a doctor soon and get this probably checked out. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi,

    I had the same thing, I had this , just a tiny spot with a very small lump feeling which was painless from months which I ignored till today, but today in morning I was sweaty after power yoga, SO I was adjusting my bra and accidentally poked my finger in that lump, since then it started hurting and now it has become bit bigger lump, so I started googling and found this.

    can you please tell me what did the doctor said to you.

    i will try to call gp tomorrow but I don't think I will get any appointment soon because of coronavirus going around feeling worried

    please reply

  • Hi All

    just lying in the bath and found a small hard lump between my two re constructed breasts.

    having been through a previous lump finding session  and finding out from the Breadt Centre that it was nothing but scar tissue - I do not wish to waste any one's time - again!!! BUT..this lump is small hard and I can move it slightly away from its normal position - slightly to the right of my chest and nowhere near the reconstruction scar. As it is high up -it appears to be above one of the upper ribs - and there isn't one on my other breast/ side of the area could it be scar tissue in such a position or should it be checked - I have to say after over a year of chemo - then radiotherapy - then double mastectomy and then finally - double Diep - I loathe going anywhere near a doctors surgery - let alone the Breast Clinic. If anyone has the same or possibilities what it could be - then I welcome your thoughts I am four years out of completing my treatments - so looking for that 5 year marker

    thank you - in anticipation 

  • Hi


    Did you find out what this was please as I have something similar 


  • Did you manage to find out what this was ?