Terribly concerned about lymph nodes in groin

Hi there 


This could well be a long post but I am terrible concerned about what is going on. I have had what feels like swollen lymph nodes in my groin which I felt at the beginning of the month. I was in hospital with lower abdominal pain at the beginning of the month also. I went into a&e where I had a ct scan done of my abdomen and pelvic and x rays of my chest and my abdomen. The doctor in hospital said that my scans came back fine. I have also had numerous bloods done.  I spoke to a few doctors in the hospital plus my own gp about the possibility of cancer and they have all said that it is way down on the list or if it was something sinister something would have shown up from scans and bloods. However I am still not convinced.

 From I would say Monday this week I have not been sleeping well at all and have had night sweats. The lymph nodes in my groin are still there on both sides of my groin and feel like different sizes. Due to the fact I have been worrying so much I have been paying close attention to areas of my body where lymph nodes can show and I have felt two very small lumps one on either side of my neck. I went to my gp on Tuesday who had a feel under my neck (more jaw area) as I asked her to and said if she looks for them she can feel them but it's nothing to worry about. I have a scan today which I am going to be paying for of an ultra sound on my groin area to have a look at the lymph nodes. Has anyone else done this? 

Ang advice from past experiences would be appreciated.  Thank you. 

  • Hi [@KKGab]‍ 

    Sorry to hear about what's been going on with you.

    Finding lumps can be really concerning however o would take comfort that your CT showed as normal.

    I had groin lymph nodes that had enlarged and were causing me pain. Originally they thought it was a ruptured ovarian cyst but then the CT scan showed lymph nodes were enlarged all over my body. So do take a lot of comfort that the CT scan can pick up on these and it's reassuring that it was normal.

    Unfortunately bloodwork often shows as normal even with malignancy, mine was fine, so I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock on that. I don't say that to scare you I'm just being honest.

    An ultrasound might help them give an indication of the issues if it's a localised problem. I suppose the only way to be sure would be a biopsy of the nodes but that could be expensive and given that previous tests have been reassuring then I would think hard about I'd you want to go down that route. 

    I hope the ultrasound provides you with a bit more peace of mind or some clarity.

    In addition, do make a symptom journal and I would definitely recommend persuing this by your gp again if things haven't settled in 3 months as they should probably investigate further.

    Hope this helps somewhat.

    Sending wishes all the best




  • Hello, I was wondering how you got on? I have a swollen lymph node in my groin and other symptoms which are really worrying me. I’m having blood tests next week but just quite concerned.