So this weekend I had an internal ultrasound scan, my womb and right ovary appeared to be normal but my left ovary the radiologist said I have a cyst filled with thick blood on it. She mentioned just from the scan it could possibly be caused by endometrosis or a dermoid cyst a germ cell ovarian tumour. She didnt say much more than that and I was quite blank so didn't ask any questions. I have my next hospital appointment after Christmas.
She said that it won't go away on its own and thats the only definite thing I have been told so far....
Should I worry? I haven't quite set into over panic mode yet because I simply haven't been given a definite diagnosis and to be honest I don't know what either one means.
My symptoms have been severe bloated stomach constantly, abdominal and pelvic pain as well as feeling down there has been punched...the best way to describe it. I have been bleeding most days, thick clots have come out as well as a heavy amount of discharge sometimes pink. I'm 28 years old...
Is anyone else in a similar position and not sure how to feel and feel you have so many questions to ask but its just a waiting game? Can someone also tell me anything they know about the two things I have mentioned....
Thank you