Abnormal smear test and HPV Positive


i have an abnormal smear result and HPV positive 

im worries sick I had a smear test 7 months early as I’m getting tummy pains and uncomfortable down there as well as a discharge 

I’m now waiting for a colonoscopy 

could the HPV been in my body years causing cancer cells to grown? 

I always every 3 years have my smear tests and never missed them 

I’m worried 

any advise would be so helpful right now 

  • Hi maxmill,

     I also had a smear result of hpv positive and CIN111, which is a high grade dyskariosis and also was worried sick.

    I too had regular smears, so couldn't understand how it could have happened and was absolutely beside myself waiting for the colposcopy appointment.

    Please try not to Google anything else.... some of the US sites in particular are wholly incorrect and will have you going thermonuclear with anxiety ( I know this because I did it).

     You will have your colposcopy appointment and they'll be able to tell you that CIN I, II and III are all just cellular changes that if left untreated indefinitely may cause cervical cancer.

     I really do understand that you're worrying like mad but try to think positively about how lucky we all are to have screening that picks up these abnormal cells before they turn into anything else.

    Once you have colposcopy appointment, they'll decide whether to remove the cells or observe them to see if your body deals with them. If they remove them, it's a simple procedure, after which time they retest by further Pap smear test to see if your hpv result is positive or negative. If it's negative, you'll return to 3 yearly recall.

    i hope I've been able to reassure you xxx

  • Thank you for your reply I really appreciate it

    my letter today says low grade dyskaryosis high risk HPV detected

    this has stressed me no end again today I’m drained 

    especially as now says high risk ‍♀️

    Move also got to wait 3 weeks for the colonoscopy 

    did you get high risk HPV?

    i don’t understand all this it just scares me I have 3 children and I worry so much  appreciate your time with me 


  • Hi just wanted to write something as I felt exactly the same about 1 month ago. I went for a regular smear back in August and my results came back as low grade dyskaryosis and HPV positive. My letter arrived on a Friday which was literally the worst possible day as I was worrying non stop over the weekend. Anyway I was booked in for a colposcopy less than a week later which was absolutely fine, nothing to worry about at all. I had a punch biopsy which came back confirming that it was low grade or CIN1. I need to go for another smear in 1 year to check the cells have returned to normal. 

    I was absolutely beside myself with worry throughout the whole process which start to finish was only 2 weeks! I googled so much and convinced myself I had cancer to the point that I actually started to have symptoms. Thankfully it was all fine in the end and I'm sure yours will be too!  

  • Bless you so happy to hear good outcome 

    fingers x yes I’m the same but I’m feeling so different and pain 

    in tummy getting worse too ‍♀️

    I will let you know I go on 6/11/19 please think of me ‍♀️