Thickening f the uterus lining

hiya, I had my last period in march 2018 .  Two weeks ago I had mild period pains and a pinkish blood but not enough to wear a pad, it stopped after a day. I did go to see my gp and she fast tracked me to see the specialist. I had a scan today and the specialist told me that the lining of my uterus is slightly thick, normal range is up to 5mm but mine is 5.8mm . She said it's not seriously thick but needs investigations, she has performed a biopsy on me so hopefully I will get the results soon. I've been reading some stories on here and some women are saying that they have linings of 14mm, 16mm etc, do you think they are just being a bit cautious with me .


any thoughts will be most appreciated thanks 

  • Hi there Yolanda,

    Thanks for posting. We're sorry to hear about your health concerns, but you've done the right thing going to your GP to check things. They are the only people who can advise on the reasons behind checking, so we wouldn't comment on this. 


    Best wishes, we hope you get your results back soon. 


    Cancer Chat Moderator Thea