Lump on top of head

Hi all,

About 2 months ago I came across a small lump on the top of my head, near the crown. It's hard and immovable - feels just like bone - and is painless. I don't think it has got any bigger and has the appearance of regular skin. I have no other symptoms.

I went to the doctor about a month ago and she initially told me to just keep an eye on it, a sort of 'these things happen' response, that it probably wasn't anything to worry about. However a couple of hours later she called me and referred me for a CT scan just for a bit of reassurance.

This obviously supercharged my anxiety. I had the CT last week but I still haven't heard anything so by posting here I'm just looking some opinions on what it might be?

Thanks in advance!

  • Hi snrckrd,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. Unfortunately no-one here can really advise on what it might be - it's best to wait for your results and to discuss with your doctor.

    I can understand that being referred for a CT scan probably felt quite worrying, but it will at least give you some answers rather than more uncertainty.

    I hope it's not too much longer to wait to find out more.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello, 

    I have had the same thing, can I ask the results of your scan? 

    I am hoping it went well. 


  • Hey!

    Nothing to worry about. They said that sometimes little growths like that can appear out of nowhere and eventually disappear, and it can even stay for years!

  • Hi snrckrd. 

    That's really put me at ease and helped with my worries. 

    Thanks so much for your reply, really helped:)

  • No problem.

    Get it checked out regardless of course, but very likely nothing to worry about.

  • Hi have just found one on the right side from my crown only found it couple of days ago , been having bad head aches

  • Hello iggy073


    I had mine checked out and they don't seem too worried. It's still there now months on. One thing is I don't have any other symptoms with mine at all. So even though your lump is likely also nothing at all to worry about you should get it checked if having headaches. 

    As I found out there are loads of things it can be and most are nothing to worry about. 

  • Hi 

    I was washing my hair today and came along a bump in the middle of my head and if I touch kills and I've been getting headaches with it. Just wondering if it's where I've hit my head or something serious 

    thank you

  • Hi,ive been having same symtoms lately just wondering if you got yours checked out?

  • I hit my head and I have a lump there too which was sore for ages and now a little bump that moves has appeared.  I am going to ask my doctor.  Are you okay now??

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