Lump on my shin under skin

I was diagnosed with melanoma 3.5 years ago on my foot, 1.4mm thick and staged at 1B. I had a lymph node removed which was negative.

last week I found a lump on my shin, roughly the size of a 50 pence piece, it is tender & red. I can move it slightly. I am absolutely terrified that this is a reoccurrence of my melanoma. 

I have been to the GP and he isn't too concerned and thinks it's a dermoid cyst. He has referred me to get the lump removed but this could be up to two weeks. I really don't know how I am going to cope waiting so long for results! Has anyone else been in a similar situation? 

  • Hi LissieH and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry about the lump you've found on your shin and can understand your worries given what's happened previously.

    Our members know how tough it is waiting for results so hopefully you'll receive some support and advice from them soon but I hope this information I've found online will help you whilst you wait as well.

    Fingers crossed the results confirm the doctor's suspicions Lissie.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator