Hard lump on neck, suspected lymphoma but all ok!

I thought I'd write a post to those searching for more info (as I have been until today!) about finding a hard lymph node on their neck as today I got it checked at hospital and thought it might help others.
My history of it is I'd had an itchy scalp at back of my head since August and it got so bad I made a doctor's appointment for October. I'd also had a sore throat since the end of September. Before the appointment on 7th Oct I discovered a hard lump about a kidney bean size on the right side near back of my node (occipital one I believe). Having googled the characteristics I became very concerned and called my doctor's to make a same day appointment on 9th Oct to discuss the lump as well as itchy scalp. The GP asked me if I had night sweats, fatigue, weight loss etc (which by that point I knew to be lymphoma symptoms), fortunately I hadn't experienced those, but he said if it was still there by 30th Oct he'd refer for ultrasound. Naturally I was very concerned! The lump didn't go so I went back. He then said he didn't think it was serious as hadn't grown but would book blood tests for 5th Nov and I got a hospital appointment for 8th Nov. The letter said signs of cancer, scary to read in black and white! It's been a very stressful time, I'm a single mum to a 4 and 1 year old and I've been thinking the worse. I got seen today, the consultant said the location of the lump near the back meant rarely it would be anything serious, which was a relief! I explained about the itchy scalp and sore throat. He said he'd do the scope with the camera up my nose and down by throat. That was not pleasant!! My eyes were streaming after and nearly passed out, don't want to repeat that for a while haha! He asked if I drink much water.. I said no I don't.. he said my throat is a perfect example of someone who doesn't drink enough water! He thought the lump wasn't a concern but would ultrasound for reassurance, I went in an hour later. The sonographer had a good check and said it was fine, it looked like it had swelled up following an infection but just hadn't gone down and may stay like that. She scanned all my neck and throat and it was ok. I am relieved beyond belief!! Hopefully this gives a bit of reassurance to anyone else going through similar. I am now going to get a critical illness cover for peace of mind for my children just in case anything arises in the future, this has been a bit of a wake up call!

  • I'm really glad it turned out o.k Gemstone5. I can sense the relief from your post and I'm sure our members will really appreciate you sharing your experience with us.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Thank you for sharing this! I've got a swollen occipital lymph node (I think) after something that led to itchy scalp about 3 weeks ago. Not sure exactly if it is a lymph node but I made an appointment with my GP and have to wait 12 days. I seem to always think the worst about these things but your post provided me some encouragement.

    Curious: Was the lymph node sore to the touch for you or no? 

    Thanks for posting and I know this is somewhat old so if I don't hear back I will understand!

    Take care!