Lump bottom right of neck not sore or does not hurt .

Hi I have had a lump on right side of lower neck for about 2 months now . It causes no pain what so ever . My shoulder tho is hurting . I haven't been to drs yet . But I have had flu since it has been there and am now better was just wondering what could it be . I don't feel tired or anything either . 

  • Hi there

    Sorry to hear your concerns. As you can see from my posts I'm in the same situation! To say I'm worried is an understatement but my doctor said it could be a swollen lymph node. 

    Get any lump checked out and I cant say anything to make you feel better cos I've been driving myself mad but make that move and go to the doctors! 

    Let me know how it goes 

  • i understand how scared you are, i found a lump under my armpit a few week ago and reading up on google etc made me sick with worry! i was imagining every symtom under the sun related to breast cancer, i read that hard immobile lumps like mine was more likely to be cancer, i was petrified, anyway i went to the doctors thinking they would refer me to breast clinic and she felt my lump and said it was a blocked all that worry for nothing! i still was worrying that maybe she had got it wrong but it has now near enough dissapeared thank the lord!!.....i have never felt fear like that.......but just know that its not always the worst case scenario!....theres so many things it could be, and unlikely to be cancer. plus it may just be a enlarged lymph node due to your flu, as they sometimes enlarge when you get an infection, even with common colds. try not to worry too much im sure u will be fine xx