Cervical cancer?



Just looking for some advice as I am worrying myself sick. I am 4 months postpartum and starting to worry I may have advanced cervical cancer that I have not picked up on due to dismissing symptoms as normal pregnancy related symptoms. 


My symptoms are: spotting after sex, mucus yellow discharge and sometimes mucus with bowel movement, pain in lower right abdomen/hip and back, and occasional pain where my kidneys are. I had some bleeding between periods but I started the mini pill so this could be down to that. Other than my normal period and post coital spotting, I've not had any abnormal bleeding this month since stopping the pill.


I had a normal smear two years ago, not the HPV type. I visited the doctor last month who diagnosed me with a cervical ectropion and I also had thrush which I had treatment for but the discharge is still continuing and looks different to thrush discharge. I am worrying that she has mistaken cancer to be an ectropion. The final worry is that my partners ex had cervical cancer a couple of years ago so I am pretty sure I am a carrier of a high risk strain of HPV. 


I just want some reassurance really. What are the chances of having an advanced cancer after a normal smear two years ago? What is discharge like with ectropion vs cancer? And if it is just an ectropion, what can be causing the pain? I am going back to the doctors on monday to request a colposcopy but I don't know how I will get through the wait for it. My anxiety is through the roof. 


Thanks for reading. X



  • Hi Anxiousannie

    When the doctor diagnosed the ectropian did she refer you to a gynaecologist? You may well have hpv-it’s an extremely common virus carried by a huge portion of the population but it doesn’t mean to say you have cervical cancer or would ever develop cervical cancer. 

    Cervical cancer is extremely slow growing normally, so if you had a normal smear 2 years ago I would think it highly unlikely you could have advanced cervical cancer now, although I am not medically qualified-I just have cervical cancer myself!

    When you go back to the doctor, tell her all of the symptoms you have described here, and explain your concerns. Doctors have guidelines to follow in terms of referrals and timescales and if she considers that she MAY suspect cancer you will get a referral on the two week pathway and be seen in that time by a gynaecologist for further tests. I’m sorry I can’t help with the discharge and ectropian questions-these are best answered by your doctor. xx


  • Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear you have cancer. Do you mind me asking about your journey? What symptoms did you have, what stage and how were you diagnosed?


    My fear is that the smear missed any abnormalities and it could be growing higher up in the cervix. I have been doing too much reading on the subject and worried myself so much. I just feel that something is not right in my body but because I have appeared anxious about it at the doctors she thinks it is in my head.. I haven't had any referral to gynaecology but will request it tomorrow.


    How did you get through the waiting for tests? And how long were you waiting? I know I'll have to wait at least two weeks for a colposcopy then probably longer if I am diagnosed to find out what stage and treatment looks like. I find that this is consuming all my thoughts, I have two young children and am struggling to enjoy them and do anything other than the bare minimum to look after them as I am so worried. 



  • I am much older than you and was post menopausal when I had bleeding and pelvic pain mainly. When my doctor examined me, she referred me on the 2 week pathway. Had a hysteroscopy with 2 punch biopsies of my cervix and waited a week for the results. I very quickly had an mri scan and a ct scan and was diagnosed with stage 2b cervical cancer. I have adenocarcinoma which is not so common and can be hard to pick up on a smear. But having said that I had missed smears for years, so will never know if it could have been picked up earlier.

    Hysterectomy is not an option at that stage as the tumour is “locally advanced” which means it is growing into surrounding tissues. Early stage cervical cancer can often be treated with a hysterectomy. The standard treatment in cases like mine is chemo and radiotherapy. The chemo is a low dose so you don’t lose your hair. I was due to have 5 sessions but only managed 4 because my blood counts dropped. I was due to have 25 radiotherapy, where you go for treatment every day, but ended up having 32 because I was not able to have the final part of the treatment, which is brachytherapy (internal radiation). This was because I suffered a pulmonary embolism which made it impossible to have the general anaesthetic for brachytherapy. 

    From being diagnosed to starting treatment took 6 weeks which is pretty normal. You need extra scans to plan radiotherapy and have tattoos marked on your body and it all takes time. Treatment started on 1st November and finished on 24th December.

    The waiting is the worst part..once you have a plan and start treatment you feel more back in control. But waiting is always a part of this...I used meditation apps on my phone and took one day at a time, trying not to think too far ahead.

    I would recommend not using doctor google...it’s scary and often out of date. You will find all sorts of worst case scenarios there. I never did it, and relied on my team to give me all the correct information. 

    If you are diagnosed with cancer, things will move quickly to get all the tests done and there are guidelines hospitals need to meet regarding treatment times. But I do hope there is another reason for your symptoms and you get to the bottom of things soon. xx


  • Thank you for the information, it is very helpful.


    Have you been given the all clear now? 

    I know it was the adenocarcinoma I was worrying about. Also considering I have just given birth four months ago, I have read that pregnancy can cause hormonal changes etc. So worrying about that. I really hope it is nothing but the more I try to rationalise it the more it makes sense that it is the only explanation for my symptoms.

  • I was given the all clear in April this year. But I’m currently undergoing some tests for something found at a recent check up, which I’m hoping is just scar tissue! xx

  • I will keep my fingers crossed for you xx

  • Thanks Annie, just trying not to overthink it all! xx

  • How are you now  I’m 3 months pp and also bleeding irregularly x