Colposcopy results query

Hi there to anyone who has been in my position that can shed any light on a phone call I received this morning please help me put my mind at ease or tell me what to expect. I'd really appreciate any information. 

So about nine weeks ago I had a routine smeer done at my doctors surgery. The results came back not good I was told in a letter I had abnormal cells high grade (severe) dyskaryosis. Also that an appointment had been arranged for me to have these cells removed. 

Then four weeks ago I had LLTEZ treatment done in my local hospital. The procedure itself was fairy simple. During colposcopy where I had some of cells from my cervix removed using a large loop heated tool. Basically they removed the cells by burning them away. Anyway I was told on the day that I would recieve a letter in the post with my results. So last week I received a letter which was a copy of a letter sent to my doctor to tell me what I had done. At the end of the letter it said she would write to me in due course with my results. Fast forward to this morning 31/10/19  I recieved a call from the hospital (the doctors secretary that preformed my colposcopy procedure) she has asked me to go back to hospital today to speak to this doctor. However I'm away for a few days visiting family in Scotland. I told the secretary this and she said she would pass this information on to the doctor and she'd call me back today. I may be jumping to conclusions here but is this to tell me something bad?? I was told I'd get a letter but now I have had this call, I'm terrified it's bad news. Now I'm waiting for this phone call but I'm worried she won't call today and I'll be left worrying.

Has anyone been in this same situation and if so what happened next? 

  • Hi KAH, you are absolutely right that you shouldn't jump to conclusions. I've gone through a stressful episode with my abnormal smear early this year and I've also had the LLetz so I know how stressful it can be. I know people who were called to see the doctor and were told that the treatment hasn't worked and they would need to repeat the procedure which is very frustrating and annoying but in most cases the treatment does work the second time. Did you get a call back from the doctor this afternoon? 

  • Hi there thanks for your reply. I did get a call back but after waiting till 4:30 with no call back I decided to contact them myself. Because I'm away in Scotland the circumstances are not as they normally would be as I couldn't just get to the hospital on Thursday when they asked to see me. So they wouldn't normally give results out over the phone but she said because I was away she would. So turns out I have cervical cancer. At the lowest grade and that it's 100% treatable. I've to wait 3 months (January 2020) to have another lltez procedure done to check my margines and remove what is left of the cancer. I've been told that the most part of the cancer was removed on my last treatment. Can't wait to get these cancer cells away. You never think at 33 you'll be told you have cancer so I'm just trying to get my head around it but I know I will be fine once I have this next procedure done. Then I'll have to have a smeer ever 6 months for the first year and once a year there after for 3 years. I know it could have been so much worse. But just makes me think about the woman who put these sneers off. I was lucky it was caught so soon. I have 2 young little girls and I'll always makes sure they go for there's when they are grown up. How are you did you have the same results as myself? 

  • Really sorry to hear it turned out to be cancer but I bet you're also relieved that you were told on the phone and didn't have to live in anxiety for many days. Yes when caught early cervical cancer is usually curable so your next lletz has a very good chance of eradicating any remaning bad cells. 

    I had CIN2 (moderate) and thankfully my treatment worked the first time but I had to wait 6 months to find out as I've only received a letter following my lletz saying I needed to have the smear repeated in 6 months and the HPV test! I couldn't speak to the consultant and my GP wasn't helpful so it was a stressful summer. Once I had the smear I received my results a week later informing me I don't have HPV and could go back to the 3 years tests. 

    Best wishes and I hope all goes well. 

  • Hi ladies I'm poking in with your convo ive had a biopsy and I've been told there is abnormal cells i got told today that I've got a phone consultant Monday to discuss my results with a doctor kinda worried  

  • Hi- I also had a call from hospital yesterday regarding biopsy results. I missed the call so today I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back and panicking like mad because I assume that if they phone me instead of just sending results in the post that it must be bad news.

  • Hi lovely, hope you don't mind me messaging. I had LETZ treatment done on CIN3 cells 3 weeks ago and was told I probably wouldn't be back for 6 months for next smear, but received a letter today saying doctor wants to see me at hospital next week for face to face appointment and that's all it said. I called today to ask a bit more and the secretary said she couldn't medically advise! Is everything OK with you and can you help in calming my nerves!! X

  • Hey ladies, I just came across this forum as I was looking for answers on what to expect. I had a smear in June, I work next door to my doctor surgery so 6weeks after my smear my nurse called me over while I was on my lunch break. She asked if i had received a letter about my smear results i told her no i hadnt, she said she had and took me into her room. Explained I tested positive for HPV virus and my cells have changed dramatically since my last smear test. I was shocked to be honest she referred me for a colposcopy.(I'm down now on Thursday morning) but a week later I recieved my letter from the smear clinic all it said was I was HPV positive and cell changes they didnt say they had changed dramatically just cell changes. I'm absolutely terrified about the colposcopy. I'm a mum to 3 beautiful boys and I'm 34 years old. 

  • Thank you for posting.

    I am currently going through the same with regards to being HPV positive and having high grade cell changes.

    On the 26th august I went to the colposcopy clinic and they performed a loop excision. I have received a letter today to say the "procedure was uneventful". Does anyone know what this means?

    The letter does state that they will contact me with the results and a plan for further management, so I'm assuming I will hear more in the next few weeks.

    I'm also a mum (two boys aged 9 and 11) and trying to remain positive as it appears the above is all fairly common. Sending love to you all.

    Joanna x

  • Hi Ladies 

    Just hoping to join chat to see if anyone else has being diganoised with Adencaromina in situ ?  I had a smear in may that came back with hpv positive and abnormal cells june 2021 went for clonospy and biposy in july and results came back with AIS had lletz procedure on 9th september and currently waiting results tomorrow is 4th week i rang today and was just told no results yet. I have read through some thread but have not seen many on AIS . Feeling very worried.

  • I know this was a long time ago posting this , but did u get a respond back to this ? Plz x