3months after birth breast pain

Hiya everyone.

I've been having breast pain in my left breast since my 1st period after the birth of my baby. I've seen two drs who have said it's my hormones & to get a better fitted bra (1 of my breasts has always been bigger than the other so finding a bra that accommodates both breasts is hard also I'm an E cup & finding a cheap/mid range priced bra isn't easy).

The pain is like a dull ache & ranges from my armpit to under my breast (like a J shape). I've also had the occasional pain like an electric shock & also a twinge sometimes in my next.

As the dr yesterday couldn't feel a lump she said breast cancer doesn't cause pain however most of the posts I've read via Google have stated breast pain can be a symptom.


It's making me feel really anxious & worried everytime the pain hits as i only had my little one 3months ago & the thought of not seeing her grow up scares me to my core.


I just don't know what to do.

Do i wait until my next period to see if it goes then see the dr again? Or do i just see a different dr & ask to be referred?


Any help or advice much appreciated x

  • Hello 9000Sweetie, 

    The first thing to do is to stay well away from Dr Google who many on here describe as a "quack" and inevitably only makes us worry more. I think it would be a good idea given how worried you are about this to try and get a second opinion, perhaps ask to see a different doctor just to give you reassurance. You can find out more about this on this page

    I hope the pain subsides soon and that you get to talk to another doctor about this. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, I'm in a similar situation to you.

    my little one is 3 months old and since the birth I've had a persistent pain in my armpit and around the side of my right breast, occasionally I feel a similar ache in my left side but only on side of the breast not in the armpit, the constant pain in my right armpit is getting to me, I've seen my gp who said hormonal (I'm not breastfeeding but I'm still waiting on my first period post birth) I can't feel any lumps and he could not feel any lumps told me just to keep an eye on it,

    last year I had a still birth and remember the exact same pain in the same place, my period was taking a while to return think I got to 6 weeks and then used the pill to jump start them(we desperately wanted another baby so the wait for things to return was awful) I don't remember when the pain went but it didn't last as long as it has now so there may be a hormonal link but like you dr google has me convinced I've either for breast cancer or lymph node cancer in my armpit.


    how are you now ? Did you get to the bottom of it ? 

  • Hiya JRLT


    i had an appointment at the breast clinic at the hospital. The dr had a feel of both my breasts & wasn't concerned.


    My GP thinks it could be hormonal as it can take a year for the hormones after birth to settle (the breasts are focused on milk production).


    I'm not on any contraception & my periods are normal. Thinking about going back on the contraception to help my hormones.

    I still have the pain now & again. Found it aches when I'm stressed or anxious or if I'm focusing on the breast pain (if that makes sense).


    I've also read that breast pain can happen up to 2weeks before a period is due x

  • That's great news they weren't concerned.

    my gp had a feel around my armpit area last week and wasn't concerned but I'm still not completely satisfied and thinking of calling again tomorrow for an appointment my breasts generally feel quite lumpy im sure they always have but it's got me thinking that if I had a "lump" that needed attention maybe I wouldn't actually notice it if that makes sense so I'm going to voice that concern with him and ask that he refers me as the pain has been ongoing for 11-12 weeks now and is showing no sign of going! 


    can I just ask exactly what you pain was like ? 
    for me I had like a burning sort of nippy pain deep in my armpit around the time my milk came in that eased off after a couple of days but a few days later I began to notice and dull aching in that area, 

    some days it feels like I have a bruise in my armpit or down the side of my breast roughly where my bra wire sits and I need to move it over a little other days I can barley feel a thing until I move the wrong way and the skin/bra/top gets pulled etc then I feel it, occasionally it feels like it's at the top of my rib to at the side/corner of my boob. I to think it's more a pronounced pain when I'm thinking about it and if I'm busy I just feel that sudden little twinge from moving that quickly eases off it is a daily occurrence though with the pain fluctuating.

    ive just started taking the pill again it's only been 6 days but was hoping the pain would have gone but it might just take time for everything to settle.


    my anxiety about it and a new baby is really getting to me I'm hoping my gp takes me serious and refers me I won't be able to relax until I know what is going on.