Hi, how long did it take for you to get your results of a womb biopsy and what were the results?
I was told 14 days but it’s been 16 and I called today and they said they can take 5 weeks due to the process, apparently they’re still in the lab!? So why say 14?
i assume slow news is good news?
I had CVC at 19 and was told I would never have children, I now have 2 beautiful boys! I’m very lucky.
I keep spotting, my wall is very thick, my periods are so heavy I change my tampon every 30mins to 1 hour that I now have to take tranexamic acid to slow it down and my ovary is 3x the size of my other one. My Nan had a full hysterectomy at 35 for uterine cancer and my aunty did at 30 and my nans sister died of it at 55.
They say it’s not hereditary, seems bizarre, but if it’s not guess we are an unlucky family.
i read so many horror stories about the hysteroscopy I got all worked up and finally said just do it .... it didn’t even remotely hurt!!! So please ladies, don’t panic.