Waiting biopsy results

Im 48 and was diagnosed Dec 14 with a ‘good’ cancer, consultants words! No lymph node involvement, 2.5cm grade 1 tumour. Had lumpectomy, radiotherapy put on tamoxifen  and had all clear on all mammograms since. Had bone scan in June due to shoulder pain but was given all clear. Found  lump in other breast three weeks ago. Was fast tracked and seen at clinic yesterday. Had biopsy on lump and one dodgy lymph node. Terrified I’ve got cancer again not for me but for my girls. They were 12 and 17 last time, now 17 and 22. Eldest going back to uni on Friday feel so bad am putting them through all this again. I’ve been up all night creating various scenarios in my head not good.

  • I am sorry you are going through this again. I was diagnosed yesterday with Lobular Breast Cancer been having tests since July.  I also have two daughters 18 and 22 the youngest started university yesterday and the eldest goes back to her 3rd year at university Friday.  I don't want them worrying about me and wonder how I protect them. 

  • I’m sorry to hear that. I feel the same. Last time they coped so well and I think they have more strength than we credit them with. We just want to protect them. From my experience before they just want you to be honest about what’s happening. The Macmillan nurse at the hospital gave me really good advice last time saying to answer any questions honestly and don’t make promises you can’t keep. Take each day as it comes.