Mouth cancer worries

Hi everyone, my names Harry, I'm 22 :)

First time posting and just wanted some advice, I know no one is a doctor here but thought it might help. 


I've had a mouth ulcer over a month now and it's come and gone, what I mean is it shrinks and the morning after discovering it a month a go it went completely. It seems to come back and forth depending what I eat, acidic things are worse. 


I went to doctors recently to get some cream for it to use before eating and it helped a little but its still there. 


Now I have noticed my uvela and area around it has little lumps around it etc, I saw a nurse this week and they prescribed me thrush medicine, they said there wasn't a group of ulcers together so she didn't seem too worried but said give it a week and come back. 


I also saw a dentist today and voiced my concerns, I've had him for years all my life in fact and never had any issues with my teeth or mouth. He couldn't even really detect the ulcer or see it as a concern and when I mentioned the uvela lumps etc he didn't seem concerned at all and said my mouth looked fine. 


However I keep getting a sore throat a little and the ulcer isn't going. My mind is going crazy and I'm terrified I have cancer and people are missing things. 


I have a habit for anxiety and am on medication, I had a brain mri scare 2 years ago and 2 follow up scans as I showed some symptoms of a brain tumour but bloods and all scans came back clean. 


I've never smoked and hardly drink and am young, I know dentists are trained to spot worrying things especially someone who's been at it for over 30 40 years, but I can't get out of my head it's life threatening. 


I don't have swollen glands, no bleeding, no images like Google have shown me, the top of my mouth is slightly white but it's not weirdly done like I've seen online. 

I also would think a mouth ulcer to worry about wouldn't go up and down in terms of swelling I'd assume it would stay the same size or just get worse?


I apologise for the long message but really would appreciate some advice etc reassurance as I'm going insane :(


I'm worried it won't be picked up in time if it is and I'll be diagnosed with it being terminal after a month, sorry if I'm out of touch... 





  • Hello Harry and thanks for your post

    I am afraid we can't ever say what is causing anyone's symptoms. So our usual advice is to go back and see your GP.

    Try not to worry, because mouth cancer isn't common in someone of your age, so there is much more likely to be another explanation for your symptoms. Hopefully your GP can put your mind at rest.They may also be able to refer you to local support services to help manage your health anxiety.

    The organisation Anxiety UK has some useful information on accessing support for health anxiety which you can read at this link.  The NHS website has a section called Moodzone  which has some useful tips in managing anxiety which you may find helpful.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi celene, 


    I went to the doctors today again, they gave me a nurse again rather than a doctor, even though I've seen a nurse already  


    They told me that I likely had some blocked sinuses and then told me having lumps around your uvela is normal, even though the other nurse told me to have the thrush medication if it doesn't clear up come back, this nurse then told me I didn't have any thrush by the looks of it but to carry on with medication for a week. 


    At this point I can't see what else I can do... Other than keep an eye on it  the ache in my side has gone as the days gone on which is a good sign I guess and shows it could be an infection of some kind or sinuses and my ulcer hasn't gotten as agitated as it used to. 


    Once I'm at uni next week if it's the same I guess the best I can do is try see a doctor there just for further clarity. The nurse did point out though that a dentist would have a lot more knowledge than her and a doctor in regards to mouth cancer. 


    Thanks harry

  • Only other thing is I was quite sweaty last night before bed but wasn't waking up feeling hot etc which I now can be a sign

  • Hi Harry,


    did you ever get to the bottom of this?


    I feel I'm in the same position as you were. I have major health anxiety and I've had a large mouth ulcer for almost 2 weeks. I've been to the dentist and they recorded that I had it but didn't say anything else. It is also painful but again like you, I have been googling and non stop worrying that it'll be something more. I am 25, and I know mouth cancer is uncommon in this age group but I can't help the worry.





  • Sorry to hear you had tongue cancer, must have been a harrowing experience. I've had ulcers on both sides of my tongue for about 3 weeks now. They disappear, then come back with a vengeance a couple of days later. I've just read that this sort of cancer isn't painful but what I have is so painful it's difficult to talk let alone eat! 

    I just wanted to ask about your experience and whether it was painful or not? Thanks in advance.