Irregular feeling Lump top of jaw under ear....

Hi all, I know that I can get no diagnosis here so I'm kinda more looking for is this something others might have (I have never felt anyone else's neck to check and figure they might have an issue with that...).  I'm also reluctant to test with gp as was recently there for a lump in abdomen which they think is just a fatty lump (I didn't mention this as it said only one symptom per session....I haven't been to the gp in near 15 years so to go was a push for me). 

At the top of my jawline near where it meets the ear I can feel an irregular feeling lump. It is hard and painless and feels almost grissly and I experience no symptoms from it other than at times an itch that I can't scratch in the general area. The other side of my jaw doesn't have this but I can feel what I imagine in the normal node when it press down a bit. It has been there for months and I have not done anything about it really. 

anyone else had anything like this? 

p.s. I'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask such a question, if not please delete this! Well aware that there are those who legitimately need to chat about on going significant issues and don't want to detract from that! 


  • Meant to say I'm a 36 year old male in generally good health. No recent sore throats or illnesses that I can recall. The lump has been there for a fair while, certainly months. I am fairly sure it's the tonsiller node near my jaw. It feels bigger, irregular, lumpy and hard, no pain though. The other side feels what I would anticipate is normal.