Inconclusive thyroid biopsy

I went for ultrasound last September for a blocked salivary gland and was told I had several nodules on my thyroid and one of them was suspicious as it had blood flow. I have since had 3 FNA biopsies and each time they came back as inconclusive. I saw consultant last week who told me that he will leave it for 6 months and then do another biopsy as the nodule hasn't grown!!. I asked him if he could just take it out but he said he wouldn't as the risks outweigh the benefits?? This is really stressing me out as he says if it comes back inconclusive again in 6 months that he'll discharge me!! I know thyroid cancer is a slow growing cancer so should I be concerned?? Any advice would be appreciated 

  • Hi Cazmac,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about your worries - I know uncertainties like this can be unsetlling.

    It's best to discuss your concerns with your doctor - explaining that you're worried about the inconclusive results and aiming to get some assurances. This would perhaps best be done after the next biopsy, if it happens again. In the meantime try to keep your mind off it as far as possible, if it's causing you worry.

    If you'd like to discuss anything with our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Cazmac

    Sorry you are going throuh this worry and I can totally relate. I too have had a similar experience. Ultrasound on a visible kneck lump showed a thyroid nodule with bloodflow, but biospy was too heavily bloodstained and did not collect enough cells so was inconlusive. I was reffered to endocrinolgist for decision on next step. He referred me for an iodine scan which I had done last week. I am still awaiting the results but he said he may refer for another biospy depending on the outcome. What baffles me is that all my own research says that only a biopsy can differentiate between benign and malignant tissue and that all other thryoid tests can only give a probabilty which to me make the scan pointless and I feel is delaying the ony thing that can give me a diagosis. There seems to be such a lack of urgency when it comes to the diagnosis of thyroid cancer and the long delays seem so cruel. I really do feel your pain and share your anxiety.

    I hope you get the answers you are looking for. Please keep us updated. I put on my own post and was disappointed to get no responses as I was hoping to find someone in a similar situation to help me to understand whether my experience was typical.

    Much love

    Chilts79 xx

  • Hi

    Thankyou for your response to my post. Im sorry to hear you are going through something similar to me. It is so hard knowing what to do as you read forums on inconclusive biopsies and quite a few say there consultants say they'll remove the section of thyroid so that makes you wonder why your own consultant doesn't agree!! I'm one of these people that would rather just have the problem taken away so it can't have the chance to grow.

    I am wondering whether to ask my doctor to refer me for second opinion as I've just received an appointment for the 8th April which seems a heck of a long way away. 

    I hope you get the answers you want, let me know how things go


  • Hi caz on June 7 I had inconclusive thyroid biopsy had to have it repeated 10 days ago, got my results this afternoon benign. Was soo happy, but was told I need another biopsy as need two benign results, won’t be having a ultrasound one but ENT consultant is going to do the third biopsy by going in blind and not guided this will be next month in clinic. He did say they could could take away half thyroid if needed to, obviously I haven’t had third one done yet, but I would rather if inconclusive again be monitored watching and waiting