Painful pelvic ultrasound - symptoms worse

I had a trasnvaginal ultrasound on Friday for detection of cancer within womb/ovaries. I've had this scan twice before and it was uncomortable but never painful.

When the sonographer started to look at my left ovary, the pain was so excruciating I teared up. She was going to stop but I told her to carry on as I didn't want to have to endure that pain twice.

After the scan my symptoms have worsened severely (bloating, pelvic pain, etc) The wait seems so long. I've made an appointment with my GP for tomorrow, who reffered me for the scan to tell her my worsening symptoms (I've questioned going to a&e it's that painful!).

Does anyone know what a painful scan means? I've searched the internet and I can't find anything.



  • Just wanted to say hi vanillasmoker and I hope yesterday's appointment went ok.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi Sarah, 

    I have had similar experience as well, the scan was done on Monday, and I am still having pain and diarrhea 5days later (today,Friday). I am also very concerned as to what damage has been made, and I can't find any relevant info. I hope you are well now?

    Best wishes,




  • Offline in reply to yyl

    Hi l have been having Transvaginal Ultrasound for a slow growing cyst on ovary for 5 years, never ever had pain, my results were no change which was good news, but hours after the procedure l got terrible pain in abdomen, buttocks thighs feel really unwell, went to a&e blood tests fine, they think camera was heavy handed & maybe bruised inside, so weak from all this, has anyone else experienced this ?

  • I had a scan on Tuesday and two days later I've still got pain in one side. Feels like a stabbing kind of period pain. I also can't seem to find any information about this online. 

  • Hello,
    Yesterday I had a scan and since then a continuous sharp pain on my left side is not going away.
    I have never experienced this inconvenience after a scan before and wonder if it is an internal injury or something else?


  • Offline in reply to GKMo

    Yes me!! Today . Internal scan for fibroids . I feel like I've put a stone on I'm that bloated and had bad cramping since . Never had this before with a internal scan . Very strange I've been searching all night online x

  • Hi,

    I've had a few pelvic ultrasounds and I think it depends on the person doing the scan. I had a very painful upsetting one where they found nothing wrong. My last one wasn't too bad and they found an ovarian cyst, the woman doing it was very gentle. I've had pelvic, back pain since but I had that anyway because of the cyst I  guess.

  • Offline in reply to Ohh

    I am experiencing similar situation, it's been 3 weeks ready, still painful.

    How long does it take for your pain to subside? Have you experience other issue (e.g. Hormones imbalance? I think I am) other then the pain?

  • Offline in reply to yyl

    I am experiencing the pain on both sides of the ovaries, i think the sonographer is too detailed and may be pusing too hard in checking, she spent more than 25min to do the checking.

    It's been 3 weeks already, but still feel the pain, I am worrying that the ovaries are hurt and now they are not functioning the hormones regulation very well, as I am experiencing some sort of hormone imbalance.

    How long does it take for you to have all the pain subsided? Do you have any other issues beside the pain? Good that I found this page and know that others shares similar experience.

  • Offline in reply to sm1

    I too had internal scan 2 months back and still having issues with severe bloating and cramps . Wondering if you managed to get any answers yet as my GP just said it was my IBS flaring up and I don't feel this is the case.