Advice on ultrasound for lymphoma

Hi, thanks for reading. I went for a guided biopsy for lymphoma yesterday following a short stay in hospital. I have a small swollen node in my neck, which I've had for a few months, an achey pain in my chest and around my back (similar to a pulled muscle pain) elevated liver enzymes, low grade fever for 4 weeks and hot flushes at night. I've felt absolutely exhausted/extreme tiredness the best part of a year.

A doctor at the hospital has told me it is possible I have lymphoma.

During the guided ultrasound yesterday, the radiologist told me that the node looks perfectly normal and that she wouldn't do the biopsy.

I'm waiting for a call from the doctor advising me what happens next. Obviously I'm pleased she felt that node wasn't suspicious, and I'm not looking for a diagnosis with this post, however I can't shake off the feeling something is wrong.

Has anything happened to anyone similar? Did you have a prolonged fever when you were diagnosed with lymphoma, or an ultrasound that looked ok?

FYI glandular fever, which they had hoped it was has been ruled out.

Thanks for reading x

  • Thanks Rose. I spoke with the GP again this morning as no change and he asked if I had been seen by a specialist. Because I haven't, he's now made 2 week referral for suspected lymphoma. So I assume that will be with a hematologist. Feeling absolutely washed out and drained of any energy the last couple of days. Just want to feel myself again. Glad for the referral. If something comes of this I will be annoyed that they didn't do the biopsy originally 4+ weeks ago.

    Hope you're doing ok x

  • So another call from the GP. Lymphoma clinic won't see me because my scan results and blood tests aren't consistent with lymphoma. So I've been referred to medical physicians still urgent referral but could take a little longer. 

    I literally have no idea if I'm coming or going. I don't even know what medical physicians means?

    So fed up!

  • Im sorry you are still suffering with no answers! What is your main symptoms? The fever? I think its good you have had a clear CT, I think that would make it unlikely to be lymphoma. Im sure you are just so frustrated, I hope you arent waiting long to see a specialist! 

  • I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound selfish or ungrateful. My main symptoms are my ongoing fever I've had for over 8 weeks now, extreme fatigue, sweats, and swollen nodes in my neck. According to my CT scan they are swollen but not enlarged to CT criteria. It revealed a cyst on my ovary but I have no symptoms of this.

  • Can I ask how high your fever is and what is the doctor saying could be causing it? Are your night sweats drenching? You dont sound selfish at all! I understand what its like to have persistant symptoms and no answer. Your lymph node must be under a certain size and not look suspicous then. I would def try and take comfort from this but of course you also want an answer too! I was hoping to hear word this week of a hematology appt but so far nothing :(

  • My fever hasn't gone over 39. It is usually around 38 and it fluctuates throughout the day. In terms of sweats they are sometimes drenching. Sometimes they're not just at night either, they can happen randomly in the day. These happen most days. The doctor hasn't indicated what it could be - he told me a couple of weeks ago it would either go which would indicate a virus, or I would present with new symptoms which may indicate where to go next. When he put in for referral yesterday he just said it would be unlikely at this stage to be caused by a virus and that an urgent referral is necessary. As I've not been seen by a specialist yet, he thought a lymphoma clinic would be the most appropriate step, given the raised nodes and other symptoms, but as CT scan and bloods not consistent has now referred me to general medicine who will point me in the right direction I guess.

    I'm relieved that my CT scan is clear, especially my partner is. Like you say, it's the back and forth of it all, especially when doctors keep mentioning lymphoma which is unsettling.

    Originally I was told by one GP I had a swollen left tonsil but no pus on...he didn't quite know what to say when I told him I had no tonsils (tonsillectomy at 7 years old) so I don't have much reassurance in their opinion and I think that's where this frustration stems from. I'm glad I've been referred somewhere though so at least it's a step in the right direction.

    I'm sorry you've not been seen yet. I completely get how annoying it is. How are you feeling in yourself? Do you still have a temperature? Keep reporting back to your GP and let them know all your symptoms. Maybe they could contact them to rush the appointment through?

    Sending best wishes

  • I was also told I could have a virus but I doubt it when my symptoms are ongoing nearly 3 months now! My temp has been more stable and is mainly normal. I keep getting chills though, I wake up in the middle of the night shivering and my hair wet with sweat. 

    My doctor said shes done all she can and I should be seen by the end of September. Hematology said they are short on doctors and are running behind but that I should get a phone call any day now. 

    Hopefully an urgent referral is quick enough for you! Are you googling? At the start I was googling constantly and worrying myself even further. I was also checking my temp a crazy amount of times! Im trying not to panic as much now, hope you arent worrying too much. This group is a great help! X



  • I have just been reading your posting, my husband as got exactly the same as you . he had a chest infection most of last year and was always really cold, night sweats and developed a lump under is arm pit . he had blood test and everything came back clear. he started to get tummy pains and always felt full , after lots more tests he was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma.  he was put on watch and wait and they monitored him every 10 weeks.  but this last check up showed his lymph nodes have grown significantly and some are now 4cm so he will have to start chemotherapy next week.  apparently that's the only way to shrink them back to normal size and stop the symptoms.  the nurse keeps telling us once the treatment is finished he will feel lots better.  I hope this helps you. 


  • I wish your husband well with his treatment! Can I ask if he suffered fevers aswell? I am ALWAYS cold, to the point that I constantly have goosepimples all over my arms! This is new to me in the last 3 months when my fevers and chills started.

    Riverdale the fact you have had your lymph node ultrasounded and a CT scan I really feel like lymphoma is very unlikely for you. Obviously I am not a doctor but hematology have also reviewed your case and arent concerned too which is good. I do hope this gives you some reassurance. 

  • Hi PG thanks for sharing your story. 

    I hope your husband is responding well to the chemo and you're both ok.

