Advice on ultrasound for lymphoma

Hi, thanks for reading. I went for a guided biopsy for lymphoma yesterday following a short stay in hospital. I have a small swollen node in my neck, which I've had for a few months, an achey pain in my chest and around my back (similar to a pulled muscle pain) elevated liver enzymes, low grade fever for 4 weeks and hot flushes at night. I've felt absolutely exhausted/extreme tiredness the best part of a year.

A doctor at the hospital has told me it is possible I have lymphoma.

During the guided ultrasound yesterday, the radiologist told me that the node looks perfectly normal and that she wouldn't do the biopsy.

I'm waiting for a call from the doctor advising me what happens next. Obviously I'm pleased she felt that node wasn't suspicious, and I'm not looking for a diagnosis with this post, however I can't shake off the feeling something is wrong.

Has anything happened to anyone similar? Did you have a prolonged fever when you were diagnosed with lymphoma, or an ultrasound that looked ok?

FYI glandular fever, which they had hoped it was has been ruled out.

Thanks for reading x

  • I'm glad your bloods have come back fine, but I completely get how frustrating it is that you're no closer to knowing what's wrong or fixing the problem.

    I'm stone cold at the moment and my temperature is 38.9. It does go up and down throughout the day but it's always there. I've not recorded a normal temp in the last 5 weeks. It's ranged from 37.6 to 39.2 but it's always there. I've been sweating at night, and randomly get hot flushes throughout the day. Since my temp I've also got short of breath slightly and have since develop a pain all in my left side which radiates right round to my back and in my shoulder. I think like Rose suggested I will just keep a diary now until I next see the doctor, she wants to give it a few more weeks incase it's a virus I can't shift. I hope you start to feel better. It really does consume you knowing something is wrong but not sure what. X


  • Do you have kids? I think you are around the same age as me. Im 33 and have 3 boys. But you are right, this does consume you. I have chronic health anxiety for over ten years now, so this makes it so much worse! Do you google? I google far too much and need to stop. Its making me worry so much more to the point its all I think about and I find it hard to function! 


    I think you said your mil has cancer, I'm really sorry and hope she is okay. I know exactly how you feel, my mum has cancer which cant be cured. So I feel like I cant burden her with my worries. Its hard with no one to talk to. Im sorry for what you are going through but also glad to have this site and to meet others who understand how tough this is. Ive only met a few people on this page that have the fevers. I cant even find much about it online! Apart from serious worrying things, I'm going to try and stay off google!! Lol 

  • Hi Smoore. I'm sorry to hear about your mum. It's just awful, and it seems more and more people get affected by cancer. My mil is currently receiving treatment for lung cancer, and I lost my mum 8 years ago to cancer of the throat. I try not to Google - it's just a mindfield! 

    I'm 30, I have 2 girls, 3 and 1. Feel like I can't really do much at the moment, just feel so tired all the time and poorly. What ever it is, I just want to get right so I can feel well enough to carry on. Hopefully I'll have an answer soon, and hopefully you will too x

  • Hi Riverdale, how have you been doing? Are you still getting fevers? I have went 10 days now with no fevers or chills. Thats made me feel a bit better but now I have a tender swollen lymph node in my neck just under my jaw. I do have pain in my gums around one of my teeth just above where the swollen node is so not sure if it would be related to that or not! Hope you are doing okay and your symptoms are easing x

  • Hello :) just dittoing smoore's post and hoping you are feeling better now. 

    Here for rants anytime from anyone :)


  • Hi Rose hope you are keeping well :) I also hope Riverdales symptoms have subsided! 

    Last night was awful for me, after 11 nights with no fever or chills last night I had awful chills and shivered all night with my hair soaked with sweat. Getting impatient waiting to see haematology now when this has been going on since the start of July :( 

  • Oh how horrible :(

    How long is your wait now?

    Definitely make a note of the symptoms so you don't forget!


  • Just phoned the haematologists secretary, she said I'm down as urgent and should get a phone call any day now for an appt. I was meant to be seen in 8 weeks and the 8 weeks is up tomorrow. I'm going to be so nervous when I get one though!! :( 

  • Hi both, thanks for asking about me. I'm still feeling pretty lousy. I still have my fever, though I did have a couple of days with no fever a few days ago but now it's back. I've noticed it seems to come and go quite a lot. Still have swollen node, and I think I can feel another one next to it now.  I was puto antibiotics to see if that would clear any infection missed but it doesn't seem to have. Still having some pain in my left side close to my spleen. Doctor has arranged a whole bunch of blood tests but I believe other than LFTs they're all fine. Waiting on a few more results and if no better next week I will have a referral to the hospital for the fever, but he wouldnt tell me who I will be referred too.

    Smoore - sorry you're still no closer to a diagnosis, I hope you are ok.

    Rose - I hope you are doing well and that you are coping ok with your treatment 


  • Smoore- what a nightmare, let's hope you get that call soon as possible!

    Riverdale- it's good that things are being investigated, all steps in the right direction for sure, but I'm so sorry you're feeling rubbishy. Completely understandable though. I'm intruiged who they will be referring you to at the hospital, do let us know how you're doinf. - if you want to of course! Ultimately it's none of my business! But did wonder how you were getting on.
