Advice on ultrasound for lymphoma

Hi, thanks for reading. I went for a guided biopsy for lymphoma yesterday following a short stay in hospital. I have a small swollen node in my neck, which I've had for a few months, an achey pain in my chest and around my back (similar to a pulled muscle pain) elevated liver enzymes, low grade fever for 4 weeks and hot flushes at night. I've felt absolutely exhausted/extreme tiredness the best part of a year.

A doctor at the hospital has told me it is possible I have lymphoma.

During the guided ultrasound yesterday, the radiologist told me that the node looks perfectly normal and that she wouldn't do the biopsy.

I'm waiting for a call from the doctor advising me what happens next. Obviously I'm pleased she felt that node wasn't suspicious, and I'm not looking for a diagnosis with this post, however I can't shake off the feeling something is wrong.

Has anything happened to anyone similar? Did you have a prolonged fever when you were diagnosed with lymphoma, or an ultrasound that looked ok?

FYI glandular fever, which they had hoped it was has been ruled out.

Thanks for reading x

  • Yeah I've had EBV exposure previously too, think that's really common to be honest so I wouldn't be concerned about that!

    A CT is a good next step, will show up lymph nodes and other organs in a lot more detail so they hopefully will get something from that. Be warned you might be in for a wait, but hopefully they can get you a scan requested as soon as possible

    If you need a rant in the meantime feel free, I know the drill and I know how frustrating it can be!

    Sending best wishes though


  • Thanks Rose. Radiology rang this afternoon and  I've got my scan booked for in the morning. Have to say, bit uneasy about the urgency, however probably a good thing and lucky that I haven't had to wait. My GP said results can take up to a week, how long did you wait? X

  • That's brilliant about the speed of it - I know that sounds ridiculous and know what you mean about the urgency of it but it just means you won't be waiting and wondering to hear about an appointment. 

    I think from the consultant saying I should have a CT scan to me having it and then seeing them with the results was 3 and a bit weeks.

    Not sure if you have ever had a CT scan before but they are very simple and straightforward. 

    They may decide to put a contrast dye into your veins via a cannula. From my experience they pop the cannula into your arm ready, and then once you're in the scanner they will pop the contrast through - they will tell you when they're doing it. It made me feel warm all over for about 20 seconds and that was it. 2 minutes later the scan was completed and I could go home!

    It will usually be atleast a few days after the CT that you will get the results at the earliest, though if your gp is chasing them then it might be sooner, but don't get too panicked about this - often results just sit around waiting in a queue to be looked at and processed so if they are being chased then of course things will move a little quicker!

    All the best for the scan tomorrow.

    Sending best wishes


  • Thanks for sharing with me Rose. I had the scan this morning and literally just had the call from my doctor to say the report has come back that everything is fine. Liver is enlarged slightly but no sign of lymphoma. All she said was that I have an ovarian cyst. Can a CT report get to my GP that fast? Can they be wrong? I'm obviously relieved, it's good news. I just feel like something still is wrong. She told me it's probably just a virus and to go back and see her in a couple of weeks. I feel bad for moaning about this. And I still feel like ***. X

  • That's great news I'm happy for you!

    Maybe make a symptom diary if you're still worried and will be seeing her in a couple of weeks?

    No harm in it!


  • Riverdale you sound alot like me! You have had lots of tests though which is great. Im glad your ct was clear! I havent had one test yet, apart from bloods! Ive had an on and off fever for over 2 months now, I wake at night hot and sweaty with a low grade fever a few times a week. I also wake up shivering,  feeling cold and cant warm up! Then when I do sleep I shake and shiver then wake up later hot and sweating. Its so frustrating! My doctor referred me to heamatology as a red flag but they downgraded it so that I need seen in 8 weeks instead of 2. That was about 5 or 6 weeks ago so I hope I'm seen soon! 

    I hope your symptoms settle down and that it is some sort of viral thing that you have. Its very frustrating not knowing whats going on isnt it :( 

  • Hiya smoore


    Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish, maybe you could try chasing up the appointment? It couldn't hurt to get yourself on their radar :)

    Wishing you the best!



  • Thanks for the reply Rose. I did go to the doctor last week to tell her about these awful chills I'm getting in my sleep. Thats when she phoned the booking centre and realised I was downgraded to urgent. I got my bloods repeated and I'm hoping to get the results tomorrow. She said I should get an appt from heamatology in the next 2 weeks. I hope so! I have such bad anxiety and spend far too much time googling my symptoms which doesnt help! 

  • Thanks Rose, I am going to make a list of symptoms ready for when I speak to her next. I hope you are ok.

    Hiya smoore. It's frustrating isn't it. Now I've had time to think I'm glad my CT was clear. I have have my lymph node in my neck. Still have my fever. It's 38 this morning. I'm now almost 4 months of swollen node in neck and 5 weeks fever. I've noticed my lymph node seems to get bigger and smaller. 2 days ago it was much bigger than what it is today. Apparently it's a normal size though. I just wish they had done the biopsy as that would give a definite diagnosis and I could just move one with my life. Do you have any swollen nodes? My CT scan didn't pick any up anywhere else - or if they did she didn't say. I hope you get your results today. 


  • Do you have any symptoms with your fevers? Like sweats or chills? Is your temp constantly up or is it sometimes normal? My temp is up and down! Mainly up at night.

    Im not sure about my nodes, theres none I can feel but the doctor did say the glands in my neck are enlarged a bit. Im unsure if this is significant or not! 

    I shivered all night last night again, this is driving me insane. I cant go on not being able to sleep. I rang the doctor, all my bloods were normal, which she is happy with but from everything I've read on this site it doesnt give me any comfort! Shes hoping I will be seen by heamatology by the end of September! Still so long to wait when this is going on since the start of July :(