Petechiae on legs

Good evening hope everyone is well. About 3 weeks ago I was in a really warm shower and my legs got really itchy. Either side of both kneecaps then came out in like blood spots under my skin which I’ve been able to identify as Petechiae. I ignored it as some sort of heat rash and it disappeared with in 3 days but just today I was in the bath and got itchy again so I itches the back of my right knee and it’s happened again. I’ve stupidly googled it and Leukemia has been on a lot of the sites . It’s worth pointing out I’ve had a problem with nose bleeds my entire life which seems to have gotten worse over the past few weeks , I’m prone to nose picking which now causes daily small bleeds. I’m going to my GP but wondered if anyone has any similar experiences.

  • I'm sorry about the symptoms you're currently contending with Lupton.

    Hopefully those who have experience of this will pop by soon to offer their thoughts and advice but you're definitely doing the right thing by going to your GP as they will be able to examine you and let you know if it's any cause for concern.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator