I'm worried as i have had swollen lymph nodes in my neck/side of my face for months and have recently noticed a new one. They feel hard and don't move or hurt unless i have a cold. I have been to the doctor before and mentioned this but as i had a cold at the time they where more swollen and we thought they would go away but they haven't. (just to be clear they where swollen before the cold and still swollen after they just got bigger when i was sick)
I have also been feeling really deep aching pains in one leg i used to think this was growing pains as it happened in both legs at night but now it's just one leg and still hurts during the day. The pain is so bad it sometimes keeps me awake at night. Its almost like period pains but deeper in my leg, it's hard to explain.
More recently I've been having feelings of exhaustion and nausea that come and go, as well as occasionally feeling tight chested but put this down to my work as i work in a hot and busy environment.
Im worried incase it's something serious like lymphoma or leukemia but i dont know if I'm just being silly and overdramatic. Any advice will be appreciated!