Swollen lymph nodes and bone pain?

I'm worried as i have had swollen lymph nodes in my neck/side of my face for months and have recently noticed a new one. They feel hard and don't move or hurt unless i have a cold. I have been to the doctor before and mentioned this but as i had a cold at the time they where more swollen and we thought they would go away but they haven't. (just to be clear they where swollen before the cold and still swollen after they just got bigger when i was sick) 

I have also been feeling really deep aching pains in one leg i used to think this was growing pains as it happened in both legs at night but now it's just one leg and still hurts during the day. The pain is so bad it sometimes keeps me awake at night. Its almost like period pains but deeper in my leg, it's hard to explain. 

More recently I've been having feelings of exhaustion and nausea that come and go, as well as occasionally feeling tight chested but put this down to my work as i work in a hot and busy environment. 

Im worried incase it's something serious like lymphoma or leukemia but i dont know if I'm just being silly and overdramatic. Any advice will be appreciated! 

  • Hello


    So sorry you've been going through all of this and seemingly not getting very far, it must be very frustrating.

    I may not be the person you want to hear from as I am a 26 year old female who has just been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma but I wanted to share some advice and what I've been through so far.

    Just like you, since February I woke up almost every night with excruciating groin and leg pain that spasmed into my hip and ovarian area on my right side. Due to the right sided pain I originally thought it could be appendicitis but after getting an ultrasound they said it was actually due to a ruptured ovarian cyst. Fast forward a month and I was still getting the agonising pain and not sleeping and developing sweating and random nausea, so they did an internal and external ultrasound of my vagina and also my entire abdomen. It was then they found some large lymph nodes that I wasn't able to feel pressing down on my nerves in the groin, as well as some shadowing on the spleen. 

    I have my on the ball GP to thank for referring me to the lymphoma clinic and after a biopsy of tissue and a PET scan I was diagnosed and am now in treatment.

    I had never even heard of lymphoma until my referral! 

    It was such a nerv wracking time through those weeks of investigations but I found a lot of peace of mind knowing that whatever the hell was waking me up every night in agony was closer to getting treated. 

    I know cancer is scary as ****, but if I can offer one bit of advice it is push through until you get a diagnosis - good or bad - because the worry is only going to slowly drive you insane!

    Lymphoma has a very positive outcome rate and whilst the treatment may be naff I am so so glad I'm on the road to recovery with a very highly regarded chemo plan.

    I truly hope my story hasn't scared you, I just want to be frank and honest, and let you know that even if it is the worst, you're better for knowing in my opinion. And hey there's every chance it could be any number of other things, but do get it checked out! If you ever need to chat at all just drop me a line.


    All the best




  • Wow Rose what a helpful post. What a wonderful woman you are. I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck back of my head and chest and abdomen.

    Doctors say they think they are benign but want to Cat scan them again in  3 months.

    I too get pains in my legs and hands and feet.

    So your post has helped me already from wondering the worst.

    Anyway hope you're doing well



  • Omg your so inspiring I'm am really struggling and can't get anywhere woth Dr's and in so much pain reading your storey is amazing

  • Hello

    I have read your post and have very similar symptoms. Seeing my GP on Tuesday and like you, terrified. 

    Have you had any had any news regarding your symptoms?
