Lump upper right side of abdomen

I’ve had a lower back ache and tender tubby for a while. When dr examined me laying on back, when she pressed just below my right ribs, something fairly large clunked. She said she could feel a mass (I can feel it too). I’ve had blood tests, smear test, ultrasound of pelvis and abdomen and all came back as normal ‘no further action’. Two month later I went back to go as I felt like his lump is not normal. I’ve now been fast tracked to hospital with a ‘suspected cancer’ route. I’m still waiting for an appointment. I’m completely terrified. I keep googling to see what it could be. Anyone else had any similar symptoms?

  • Hi Harry272001,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and I'm sorry to read of the issues you're experiencing. It would be best to discuss your concerns with your doctor as they will be best placed to advise. Hopefully you will receive your results soon at which point you can talk through any questions you have.

    I hope you're able to find out more before too long.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, did you ever get an explination of what this? I have big lump in my right side. Nothing zhowing on mri, scan, or in bloods. But its feelung so big and painful and no idea how bothing is showing up on scans !! X

  • Hi 

    Did you ever find out what the lump was?

  • Consultant said either edge of liver or floating rib. Not concerned at all apparently. Symptoms are still ongoing and I'm now waiting for a gasostrophy - not convinced this will show anything. I think this is more for tender tummy and bloating rather than the lump which I think had been a red herring to something else.

  • I agree. My lump can't be felt when I lie down so I doubt they'll ever find out what it is.That t is until I lose so even weight and become a skeleton! 

    good luck, keep me informed.

  • Hello

    I have the same issue but nothing can be seen on the CT scan. I can feel a hard mass just below right rib, about the size of a small fist. I can only feel it when standing up, but when I lie down it completely disappears.  I do have gallbladder issues, but I didn't think this caused a lump below the ribs. My GP felt the mass when standing but nothing showed on my ultrasound or CT. Anyone out there will something similar?

  • Hi I have the exact same thing. When I lay down you can't feel it. But it feels like it's huge and blocking other parts of my body.. I can't eat much because I'm getting so bloated and I've lost a stone and half in 3 weeks. I'm waiting for an appointment at the rapid diagnostic clinic.. drs keep asking if I'm emptying my bowels but I go everyday lol so I'm not sure what the he'll the lump is.. at first I thought hernia but Im not sure now with the weight loss 

  • @jess8788 did you ever find our what this is?

  • Hi, ive recently felt a lump in my right side just above my waistline on my belly, i can feel it more when i lie down? No pain currently though



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