Lump upper right side of abdomen

I’ve had a lower back ache and tender tubby for a while. When dr examined me laying on back, when she pressed just below my right ribs, something fairly large clunked. She said she could feel a mass (I can feel it too). I’ve had blood tests, smear test, ultrasound of pelvis and abdomen and all came back as normal ‘no further action’. Two month later I went back to go as I felt like his lump is not normal. I’ve now been fast tracked to hospital with a ‘suspected cancer’ route. I’m still waiting for an appointment. I’m completely terrified. I keep googling to see what it could be. Anyone else had any similar symptoms?

  • Welcome to the forum abcde1982 although I'm sorry for the reason you're joining us.

    Not knowing what the cause of this mass is must be worrying but try not to jump to any conclusions if you can. I know that's much easier said than done, especially if you've been fast tracked, but hopefully this information we have on our website about urgent referrals will help ease your mind slightly.

    Hopefully some of our members who have had similar symptoms will share their experiences with you soon but in the meantime try to stay busy and away from google, as it will only make your fears and worries worse.

    Wishing you all the best with your appointment when the time comes abcde.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • What happened can Iask xx

  • I had a CT scan and everything is normal. The lump remains unexplained but I'm been assured that nothing was seen during scan and CT would have picked something up. Xx

  • Thankyou for your reply Glad you're alright xx

  • Thank you - hope you're ok xx

  • Hi 

    Just reading Ur post I'm exactly the same.ive had ongoing issues with constipation and have to use laxitives to go.i have a lump on the right side upper quadrant.i have servere lower back ache and terrible indigestion.i wake most nights being sick with already taking ompeprazole 20 mg.i feel full uncomfortable and if I eat it comes back.i have put over a stone on and sometimes the lump really hurts.ive had my gall bladder removed two years ago and haven't been right since.i get very tired and run down I'm 47 with three gorgeous kids .can anyone with any medical knowledge help me out? Ps abcd I hope your ok??? X

  • Sorry to hear you're suffering.

    I've still got the same lump and feeling of being full and almost like one of my organs is too big of that makes sense but no further investigation or treatment and nothing found. 
    I would push and fight for some further investigation. I had blood test then internal ultrasound to check ovaries etc then a full abdomen CT scan and all clear. 

  • Hi abcde1982


    i have the same symptoms, did you get any other diagnosis?

  • No - everything absolutely normal. I am still able to feel the lump when I breathe in and to me it feels big but nothing on any scans. Dr could feel the same lump hence the referral. 

    Definitely go the to dr though. 

  • Hi I have found a lump just under my rib catch on the right hand side on my back, I m in a great deal of pain , the pain is so bad I can feel it in my sleep ,  I have also passed a lot of blood when I go and pass  urine , my GP has examined me and has sent my blood samples away and he said this isn't good, I am scared , when the GP examined me and pressed on the lump I nearly passed out because of the pain,  what can I expected if this a cancers growth.

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