Low grade cells, HPV and symptoms


i recently had a smear test (at which point I had no symptoms) and the results came back as low grade cells and hpv. Since then, I have had brown discharge, back and pelvic pains and tiredness. I was treated for PID but had swabs taken and all came back normal. I have a colposcopy scheduled for next Tuesday but I am absolutely sick with worry. I have have a 10 month old baby and can’t help thinking the smear test hasn’t picked up something more serious and that I’m not going to be around to see my baby grow up. The smear did feel rushed and I barely felt it, could it have missed something more serious like cancer and hence all these symptoms?

Sorry, I’m just absolutely beside myself with worry. 


  • Hi lfoley

    Try to take a deep breath and calm yourself. Low grade cells and hpv do not mean cancer. So many people have hpv you wouldn’t believe it. For some people it never causes any issues, but for others it can cause cells to change. Sometimes the body can clear the hpv virus on its own (although once you have it you will always have it) and it can go dormant. 

    Abnormal cells on the cervix are also very common for many women. Low grade changes can improve on their own, while more serious changes can still be dealt with in a straightforward procedure by a gynaecologist. It absolutely does not mean cancer...they would be classed as pre cancerous cells.

    The colposcopy will enable the doctor to take a much closer look at your cervix to see if there is anything of concern. This could have a number of outcomes...leave and test again in a year, perform a leep/lletz to remove abnormal cells, or take a biopsy. 

    Please try not to let your imagination run away with you...I won’t tell you not to worry because you will, but try and put in into perspective. I hope all goes well on Tuesday..please let us know how you get on, and I’m happy to help with any questions if I can. xx

  • Hi, 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I think in isolation I was less concerned with the low grade cells, but now I have had these symptoms for 2-3 weeks I just can’t helo but think the worst. It’s driving me crazy but you’re right there is lots that can hopefully be done regardless of the outcome and it’s good to put it in perspective. 

    Thanks again for your message.

    Laura xx

  • Hi Laura

    Anxiety makes things worse, too. Every little twinge and symptom becomes a big deal in our heads and we can drive ourselves mad with it. I can completely understand why having these symptoms would make you panic more, and it’s awful having to wait for tests and results-you’re right, it drives you crazy. 

    Anyway, all the best and I hope you can come back and say everything has gone well! xx