Worried about a mole

I noticed around 3 months ago a mole on my leg that has come out of nowhere. It is hard, raised and has a browny red colour to it with a dot in the middle. It doesn’t look like any of my other moles (I’ve got quite a few). I’m 30 years old and I suffer terribly with health anxiety. As I’m always worrying about my health I thought I’d stop being like this, told myself it looks like a mole so it’s nothing to worry about.

I then started now googling about moles and I’m not absolutely petrified it’s something bad and that I shouldn’t have left it 3 months. 

Ive now been to see my GP who told me it doesn’t even look like a mole and to come back in a month. This caused me to have an anxiety breakdown in the doctors and in the end I went privately to see a dermatologist. 

The dermatologist said it looks very unusual but doesn’t show typical signs of cancer. She recommended removing it but also another mole not far from it.

i can’t stop thinking now that it’s cancer and that it’s spread to another mole.

It is a 3 week wait to have them removed, I’m going to try and find another private consultant  who can hopefully do it quicker but how do I deal/cope with this awful anxiety until then? 

It’s been 4 days since I started worrying and I’ve already lost 2 kg in weight from worry. I can’t manage like this for 3 weeks. Really need some advice and help. 

  • Hi,

    Firstly, please don't worry about one mo!e spreading to another, that's not how cancerous moles work. They are individual entities and, if they spread, it's deep into the tissues then into the lymphatic system, it doesn't spread to another part of the skin.

    I know this must be very testing to your health anxiety but dermatologists are experts in this field and it sounds like they are removing these moles/lesions to give you confidence that they are benign. I doubt you will find another consultant that can remove them any quicker but it's worth a try. I hope you get them removed quickly and you get good results so you can put this all behind you. Please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi Angie,

    My consultant managed to get me in early so I only had to wait a week to get the moles removed.

    I received my results on Tuesday and both came back benign. I’m extremely relieved. 

    They turned out to be benign Spitz moles and I had two of them. The consultant sounded very surprised by this as she said they are rare and was surprised I had two of the same next to each other.

    Thank you for taking the time to get back to me when I was going through a difficult time.


  • Hi Maezy,

    I'm so glad to hear you were seen quicker & that the results were benign. Every now & then a patient comes along that surprises the consultants in one way or another. It certainly keeps them on their toes so they don't become complacent! Take care & enjoy life,
