Hi. I've been under a lot of stress recently with my health anxiety. It's that bad I've not been eating or sleeping. I ended up in A&E this morning as I was just completely overwhelmed with anxiety and the thought that I've got cervical cancer. I've been on the injection for nearly 3 years and my periods stopped. However yesterday I had period pain and I've come on a period. I'm so scared. Google says random bleeding is a sign of cervical cancer. I'm 31. My last smear was 2.5 years ago and was clear. A doctor at the hospital took a urine sample and bloods and all came back clear... he had a feel around my pelvic area (not an internal) and said he's not concerned in the slightest. My smear isn't due until january. Could the stress be causing the period? I dont know what to do. I have a doctors appointment on monday, will he be able to do a proper pelvic exam even if I am bleeding? Thank you