Lump on my back!


So im 22 and have had a lump on my back for the past 2 years! Have never thought anything of it as it hasn't changed in shape, it hasn't grown and it's never been painful! 

Although I recently found out a friend has a cancer and so this scared me to to and get it checked out- the doctors said she thought it was a lipoma but is transferring me to get a scan at the hospital! However the wait is 8 weeks for a scan and am now suffering panick attack because I'm so concerned! Anyone have any insight or advice? Should I be worried ?! 

  • Hi 12alianstee, 

    I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with a health concern at the moment. It's natural for people to feel concerned whilst waiting for tests and/or results and not unsual that our mind goes to the worst outcome. 

    Try to keep in mind that this lump has been there for some time now with no problems and your Dr doesn't think that it's anything serious. It sounds as if she is being cautious in asking for a scan and I'm sure that if she though it needed to be done sooner then the referral would have been marked urgent. 

    You might like to have a look at the NHS Moodzone website to try and help youwith some tips to get through the next few weeks. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator