Worried Sick - fullness in pelvic area, what does it mean?

I have had discomfort in lower left abdomen for a couple of months, I’ve noticed an increase in fat/ swelling on my left hip too.  I went to see a nurse practitioner who said it was a hernia. I saw the consultant surgeon a couple of days ago and he said he couldn’t feel a hernia but could feel fullness in my pelvic area.  He’s arranging a CT scan but I can’t sleep as I’m thinking about it constantly.  What does it mean by fullness? 

  • Hi Nicky, 

    Welcome to the forum although I'm sorry to hear about the health concerns that you've been dealing with. 

    Presumably the consultant is referring to some gas or fluid or swelling that they could feel when they examined you. It sounds like they're being proactive in sending you for a scan to determine what is causing you the discomfort and swelling. 

    Try to keep in mind that there could be many reasons for your problem and it may not necessarily be caused by cancer. If you would like to chat things through with one of our nurses then you can give them a call on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 

    I hope that you won't have to wait too long for news. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hey

    i just wondered if you have had your scan results and hope you’re well. 

    My firsr symptoms were severe swelling in my pelvis and hips that never goes away, it’s more obvious because I was always petite and have ballooned in the abdominal area so much in 4 months. My body is unrecogniseable to me. 

    By fullness he will mean a hard mass of fat rather than it being soft where you can pinch it. 

    A few people thought I had started gaining weight for the first time in my life but when I show them my hips and stomach they immediately suggest it’s swelling as it’s spongy like a pregnant belly would be. 

    Its so scary being in this stage waiting for a diagnostics. 

    Cancer or not anything that suggests there could be problems with your fertility is terrifying. 

    I hope you get there soon, let me know how you get on

    good luck and be strong xx

  • Sorry I forgot to add also,

    im in a similar situation to you I went to my drs she did exam there and then referred me for bloods that day that detect tumours and other organ failure as well as protein levels in blood. I got the letter for the ultrasound in a few days. All so fast for NHS which makes things better. 

    The unknown is a scary place but try your best to concentrate on the more positive outcomes xxx

  • Hi there

    No appointment just yet.  Hope your bloods and ultrasound is ok, I’m sure it will be.  Positive thoughts remember!! 
