Cervical spine MRI reveals thyroid nodule - what's next?

Hi all. I hope you dont mind me asking this on here. I'm currently going through some investigations due to abdominal pain, weight loss and many other symptoms. 

I've had a spine MRI. Discussed results with the specialist which turned out to be nothing sinister. I asked for a copy of the results which they reluctantly provided. The letter came through the post and one of the findings was 15mm lesion on my thyroid which they believe is a nodule. This was never mentioned during consultation and I wouldn't have found out if I didn't ask for the results in writing. 

I am going to see my gp about this but there is 4 weeks wait for the appointment- I will try to book an emergency one if I can. But would like to find out from anyone who's had similar findings what the usual process it. Will I be offered biopsy or maybe monitoring? It's an awful feeling opening a letter with such info on a Friday afternoon with no-one to talk to about this. 

I am already under a lot of stress due to a constant pain and unhelpful GP so yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown. 

Thank you so much for reading. 

  • Hi A.B

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with so many health issues at the moment. It sounds like it's been a very difficult time for you. It's understandable that you are feeling under a lot of stress. 

    It's impossible for us to say what this possible nodule is and what, if any, management would be necessary. At the moment I would try to focus on the fact that they consultant gave you good news from your scan results and wasn't worried by anything that they saw on the images. 

    Hopefully your GP will be able to explain the results to you. I wonder if you've mentioned to your GP how anxious you're feeling about all these things. It may be that they're able to offer some support in that area whilst you continue to work to find out the cause of your problems. If you don't feel that your current GP is particularly helpful then you could ask about seeing another Dr at the practice. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator