It's about my husband....Back in february he started recieveing sharp pains in lower abdominen and bleeding from back passage (a good, visible one). He goes to the toilet in urge and than spends an hour inside and can't clean properly... He was reffered urgent for Colonoscopy, which was done in early April, including several just in case biopsies taken and all came back fine - they didn't see anything in bowel, no hemoroids or anything and the biopsies didn't show a problem. He just recieved a letter from the hospital all is fine and no anymore meetings with Consultant. But his situation hasn't improved a bit since than, he is still bleeding ect, so we went back to GP, who did him blood tests, which already were showing he is anemic (what a surprise?!) and a bit of increased CRP (which they didn't adress as a problem) and GP said he can't do anything but reffer him back to hospital. We recieved a letter from hospital to await for appointment, but as this doesn't happen I rang them today and they said the letter should go through triage and if approved he would be seen as urgent in about 4 weeks time, if not the waiting list is 42 weeks???
I would appreciate any advice re how to deal with that, because bleeding with a lot of pain and spending hours a day in toilet doesn't seem right for me for a 36 y.o. man... If it is not bowel cancer (which we hope persuming colonoscopy is fine), what else could it be taking months with no improvement?
Also I'm happy to fly overseas to see a doctor, but they won't let us have his documents, so I can show them at least results from Colonoscopy - we only have the letter from hospital all is fine.
Thnaks for your help!