Lump in armpit - doesn’t always mean cancer

I’ve read lots of forums recently to help with my recent health scare and I wanted to share my story.

About 6 weeks ago I found a lump in my left armpit. I didn’t think too much of it as I assumed I had just irritated my skin shaving. I went off on holiday and when I came back the lump was still there. The lump wasn’t that painful but I couldn’t stop touching it which I think made it feel worse. After 4 weeks, I went to my GP expecting to be told I had a cyst or something really trivial instead I left with an urgent referral - cancer suspected. I was devastated. I spent the next few days reading everything online about cancers, breast cancer, treatment, survival rates - basically driving myself insane with worry. I had diagnosed myself with breast cancer, lymphoma and leukaemia to name just 3 possibilities. I wasn’t sleeping and felt awful.

My hospital appointment was today, 8 working days after I saw my GP.  I was assuming the worst while my husband remained positive that it was nothing to worry about.

I spent approximately 4 hours in the clinic and it was one of the most stressful days of my life. I met with a consultant who examined me and said the lump didnt give her cause for concern but because I am over 40 (I’m 46) she was going to do a mammogram and possibly an ultrasound. 

The initial mammogram was ok - a wee bit uncomfortable but not painful. Getting called back in a second time sent me into panic - what had they seen that required more pictures !? I almost fainted I was so scared. Getting called in a 3rd time almost finished me off. I was sure they must have found something. Turns out that with your first mammogram they do take lots of photos as the doctor has nothing to compare it to and they want to be 100% sure they see everything so my experience was quite normal. 

After the mammograms I was then taken for an ultrasound to check the areas of concern which wasn’t actually my original lump but the opposite breast ! 

The doctor doing the ultrasound was amazing, she talked through everything she could see and told me there and then that nothing was wrong. Areas of concern were just ‘blobby bits’ which is just my breast tissue. My lymph node was healthy but looked a bit swollen , maybe I had been fighting an infection.

My worry turned to overwhelming relief. My poor husband had waited patiently ( I think he was starting to get worried with all the tests) - I walked out and gave him a big thumbs up.

I then went back to see my original consultant who told me that they had put me through the wringer but everything was perfect. 

My advice to anyone in a similar position, don’t go crazy on google, don’t assume lots of tests mean a problem and more importantly never put off getting a lump checked out. I was very lucky but one of the many women sitting beside me in gowns today might not get such good news. 

I am grateful to the NHS for the quick referral and thorough testing.



  • Ah I see, so the one on the side is only appeared recently? It is really good that you've got it looked at so quickly, as that means it can get sorted really effectively. Again, every time I've gone to the breast clinic, I've been told that the ones to investigate feel like chestnuts and grow rapidly and really obviously--but, please don't make that worry you about the ridge one appearing recently; it could be thickening, etc. Or, like my specialist said, we have bits and bobs in places that are not symmetrical or 'normal,' but are okay once checked ️.


    oh yes, it was horrible when she said that! She was running late and has referred me before, so I think she was bit fed up with me and my tears. The specialist said that that was harsh and a result of the gp ruling out the vaccine too readily. Honestly, the specialists are so nice and will make you feel like you will be supported, whatever the outcome.

    Have you been told that your breasts are nodular? I have very nodular breasts, so my feel naturally lumpy and bumpy. Also, sorry if this is personal, but are you on the pill or other contraception? It can cause so many breast problems! I'm changing to the coil because the pill makes my breasts hurt for months and gives me lumps. You said you haven't felt anything in your breasts before, did you examine them lots before? Or have you been examining them recently? Sometimes we have lumps and bumps in there that are just naturally there. But, again, you have done the best thing by getting it checked ️.

    You're very welcome. Xxxx


  • Oh god how awful, you shouldn't be made feel like that at all! 

    I do check them regular, always have but this is the 1st time I've felt anything! I am on cerazzette birth control pill, I've never had any issues but I know there's an increased chance of breast cancer with it, I think I'm going to come off of it after this

  • So I rang the breast clinic to see how long the wait is, she said my referral is there but hasn't been looked at yet.  If the consultant feels it's urgent I should get a call in a week or two, if not its a 12 week wait. Don't know how I'll cope waiting so long 

  • A 12 week wait! That is just silly, I am so sorry that you have to go through this. It is so hard to function normally when this is a worry, so waiting that long is just so awful. Is there any chance of going private? I know it is really, really expensive, but they may be able to see you much sooner. Is there another clinic in a different area? My gp gave me two options of clinics, so maybe see if you could change? I know that none of this is helpful because it's such an impossible situation, but I would try and research places that do it and see if there's anything you can do.

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this xx

  • I cant believe its so long! Spoke to the doctor today, 12 weeks is the best ill get public, if I get diagnosed with anything privately they won't treat me in the public hospital, unfortunately I'm just not in a position financially for that. Seemingly the hse hack here a few months ago coupled with covid is causing the delays
  • It is such a long time and I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I wish there was something that we could do. Maybe call the clinic each day and ask if they've had any cancellations?

    I'm thinking of you xxx

  • I just got a call with an app for next Thursday.  Am so relieved in one way but totally freaking out that the consultant must feel its urgent, is it normal to start going crazy like this ‍♀️

  • Hello, 

    I am so glad that you've got your appointment! It must be such a relief to know that it's going to get looked at ️ I know how you feel, it is worrying when you get an appointment quickly, as it will make you think that the specialists are thinking it's bad. From my experience, I've always been seen really quickly after my referral was reviewed, but both times it was okay. ️ Keep in mind that the referrals are always reviewed and I'm sure the specialists will want to see everyone quickly, as they want to help. I don't think they'd judge your case before they've actually seen you. 

    I know exactly how it feels and I want you to know that I am here for you. Try and think positively and remember that it's so great that you're being seen. 

    Keep me updated xxxx best of luck xxx

  • Hey

    I just wanted to let you know I had my app today and all is OK! Mammogram and ultrasound were good, the lumps are apparently hormonal 

    Thank you so much for your replies, you've no idea how much it helped! Xx

  • Hello,

    I cannot explain how truly pleased I am for you ️ . When I got the notification that you'd posted on the chat, I literally sat on the floor saying, "please say she's okay." I am so so so happy for you. ️

    You are very welcome (about my replies) ️ I could not allow you to worry. I just can't express how relived I am for you. Go and live your wonderful life.


    all the very best xxxx