How do I get a private biopsy.

Hi all... 

I've had generalised lymphadenopathy since January with Lymphoma symptoms (itchy skin, night sweats, fatigue, aching lower back and chest pain / tightness, also pains across clavicle -no.lumps there. and pain in left armpit and left groin where there are slightly raised nodes)... I've seen a haemotologist and had CT scan and blood tests, the nurse rang and said there was nothing to worry about on the CT scan and my bloods are fine, seeing the consultant in a couple of weeks time at his outpatient clinic to discuss results and letter to GP... I'm assuming this means he's going to discharge me. I don't know what to do next. I'd really like a biopsy of the one in my armpit, it's only.about the size of a butter bean but it sends pains down my arm and sometimes Into my chest, it also sometimes causes numbness in my arm. Ive tried contacting private clinics but they ask what type of consultant i want to see and some ask for GP referral. Who should i ask for ?... I'm at a loss. I just don't know where to turn. The pains in my.groin and armpit and the fatigue are really getting me down. And the itching is driving me mad... help !...


  • I'm going through the exact same thing right now but my doctor Is just constantly sending me away saying nothing is wrong with me when i know there is, I'm also looking for a private biospy but i have no idea where to look neither so it you find out please let me know, all my doctor has done is blood tests which have came back fine and they haven't even referred me for scans or nothing. Even though my nodes are very swollen and I'm itchy, lower back is killing, night swets, extreme fatigue, swelling of my neck, my face is especially itchy, sharp pains in my nodes too that spread down my arms to my thumbs and all of these dont correlate with much other than cancer but like I said it doesn't even seem like my doctor cares.