Persistant breast and armpit pain, 15 weeks pregnant


I was wondering if anyone could she any light on the issues I have been experiencing.

My GP diagnosed me with cyclical breast pain a few months ago. I have dull pain in my breasts, extending into my armpits.

i had an ultrasound at a breast clinic a couple of years ago as I had some dimpling in my left breast. I was still breastfeeding at the time but they said it was all just normal breast tissue.

i am now 15 weeks pregnant with baby number 4 and I have persistant, dull pain in both breasts and armpits but often worse on the left side.


i can’t seem to find any information on why. I have no lumps or anything but do have naturally quite lumpy breast tissue anyway.

its really uncomfortable and a cause of some major anxiety as I am convinced it’s cancer or something bad.

Any information would be great fully received.



  • Hi DaisyMay91, 

    Congratulations on Baby number 4 although I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with some health concerns at the moment. 

    As I'm sure you know it's not unusual to have sore breasts during pregnancy. All those hormone changes do cause us ladies quite a bit of bother! It sounds positive that you don't have any lumps or bumps but from your post you're clearly worried about the aches and pains. If you've not already mentioned this to your GP them why not make an appointment to go and see them. They'll be able to examine you if necessary and hopefully offer you some reassurance that all is well. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator