Random fevers, really worried

I have got myself worried sick from googling too much! (I have chronic health anxiety) 

About 2 months ago I would randomly wake at night feeling shaky, nearly like I was too hot/cold at the same time. It was weird but only happened randomly so I never thought too much of it. 

2 weeks ago I woke hot and sweaty and my temp was 38.2. I went to the doctor and she said my tonsils were swollen with puss on them and I def had tonsillitis (even though I had no throat pain) she put me on antibiotics. She took bloods and a throat swab. Bloods were normal and the swab was clear. Since then I dont see any puss on my throat and dont have any other symptoms apart from I keep getting random low grade fevers! I seem to go a few days with no fever then it comes back again, it makes me feel so uncomfortable and keeps me awake at night. 

Of course google has scared me silly! I cant see a doctor for a few days and I'm trying to keep it together but its hard. Im currently on holiday with my kids and this is all I can think of. Everything I read online points to random fevers being a really bad sign. Has anyone experienced this? Im so scared :( 

  • Yes poor lass that anxiatys horrible its not dangerouse but can make your life a missery and an infection to .thank god i got rid of it and you know nothing ever used to faze me but thats something else .hope your ok now with throat best wishs

  • Sorry Paul I didnt say I didnt believe you, I didnt realise you were getting fevers aswell? I know anxiety can cause sweats etc. But didnt think it could cause actual fevers? Yes I am getting help for my anxiety, my mum recently got diagnosed with cancer that cant be cured and it made my anxiety alot worse. Its so hard when the fear takes over, please know that I appreciate all your advice! Sorry if it came across otherwise! 

  • Also when I get hot and sweaty at night I take my temperature and I have a fever, its not me actually panicking its a fever that wakes me up :( 

  • Not at all dont worry about it we have a part of our brain a realy old part from the days when we lived in caves lol and if it gets out of wack it sends amessage to pump adrenalin into our bods to speed us up aur breathing gets faster we get hotter because the adrenalin speeds up your blood flow so you can run away or fight hence fight or flight the trouble is the modern part of our brain dosant understand whats going on so we panick it can happen anytime thats why we feel that way once i looked up the way it worked i used to keep telling myself dont wory its that and i would sit out then your bod pumps in another drug cant cant remember name to camlme it down hence the hunger and tiredness i thouhgt if only they would expain simply how it work people could deal with it better but they dont lke us to know to much ha ha anyway hope all goes well for you tomorrow and let us know how you get on .paul

  • Its the adrenalin or noradrelnalin that wakes you up you have already started to heat up before you wake up then your body sweats to cool you down please beleive me on this ive hours studying it to stop mine and i did and was because i made my subconscious beleive it by continually tell myself thats what it is we have manys facets in our brains we have control over over we have three main parts of our brains the subconsious .the ego and the super ego its so complex but so simple how these three main parts of our brain work together but allso independently you dont have to remember how to breath but you have to tell yourself to eat funny realy but we are a mirical i think if we were taught these things at school life would be less stressful and we wouldnt have so many neurosise dont you think.sorry about your mum ive lost all my aunts uncles mum and dad a grandson and just over a year ago the love of my life so can understand your pain bless ya paul ps some people who have cancer are incurable but can still be treatable thats another strange is it a metaphore ime not sure dont dont your mums problem buts ive seen many things on here and readthousnds of scolerly articals trying to to find help for my liz .but couldnt the trouble is people can be gicven months and live years others it can be treatable and they can be gone in months its a lottery real my liz they said it was very treatable but 4 days after first chemo she had amassive stroke on the friday morning sunday 4 am died of sepsis and some complain they only had weeks i got two days with here and she could barely spk still realing over that .hope your mums ok most important thing is staying hydrated good food and excersise used to tear my hair out getting her to drink but she went peacefully so i i give thanks for that .


  • So I was at the doctor this morning. She said she isnt that concerned as my temp isnt going over 38. When it goes up its usually around 37.7. She has made an appt for me to get bloods taken tomorrow morning and is going to phone me in 2 weeks to see if my symptoms are still ongoing. If they are she will send me further for tests. My throat looks fine so its not that, she said maybe viral so have to wait and see how it goes. 

  • Hi there so has that made you feel more relaxed now or are you back to square one worrying . ? But sounds good to me im . Could have said better that than the other that beleive me is something ive been there shes just making sure  

  • I am glad she isnt concerned at the minute, I just hope these fevers go away! She said to stop checking my temperature so often! Im checking it constantly, its become a bit obsessive. She said just to check it if I wake up at night hot and sweaty. Bloods tomorrow aswell, hopefully they'll be okay

  • Hi thats good shes not worried so you should stop worrying but i i  understand its not easy as it stuck in your brain all panick attacks or anxiaty attacks are slightly diffrent . But sounds exactly what went through if you wake up with the sweats remember its your body out of wack telling you your in danger so its setting all your functions to either run or fight its one our defence mechanisms and it can be very scary even for the strongest of us .next you wake up with sweats hold yourself together just sit there and say ime ok its a panick attack it cant hurt me eventualy they will tapper of and you will be rid of the dam things you cant say what does he know because i do as ive been through it so i understand and dont let anyone say pull yourself together because its not easy i thinks your docs doing the bloods just to be sure for you . Its only way to check for high white blood sell count as your body releases them to kill infections there the bodygaurds of our bods lol .regards paul 

  • Yeh anxiety sucks. I will have to try and get it under control. When I wake up sweating its because I have a temperature though, its nothing to do with me panicking. My temp rises and that wakes me up then I take my temp and ive a fever