Should I be worried - swollen lymph nodes

Normally I don’t post on these forums, but I need some advice.

in January, my nodes on the back of my neck were found to be enlarged. They weren’t painful, I wasn’t unwell and the dr sent me on fast track to have it checked.

saw a ENT consultant and had lots of tests, to which he felt they were reactive nodes and would go away.

I started having sweats, to the point where my clothes were soaked, my skin all over my body is itchy and sore to touch and I scratch it until it bleeds. I went back to the consultant and explained that the lymph nodes  were still there and were sometimes getting bigger. He agreed then that they should be removed and a biopsy done on them.

this week I wasn’t feeling particularly well but had a lot on my plate and put it down to that. Then noticed I was bruising all over my body for no reason. I went to the dr and after telling her about the nodes, she noticed they had already spread down my neck towards my chest. She told me she was concerned and would contact my consultant right away. She arranged, bloods and a chest X-ray and told me to rest and not go to work.

i haven’t had the X-ray results back but my blood showed my CRP Levels were very high?

Im 26, had glandular fever at 17, it isn’t mumps - what on Earth else could it be? I’m totally not prepared for this. My surgery is scheduled for 24th.

any advice appreciated!

  • Hi Erlca and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry to read what you're contending with at the moment and the worry this is causing. 

    Unfortunately no-one here will be able to tell you what this is but it's good to see your consultant has been running tests and has scheduled you in to have the lymph nodes removed.

    This stage of the process is always tough as many of our members here have found out and hopefully some of them will pop by soon to offer their support and advice.

    Best wishes for your surgery on the 24th Erlca.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks Steph, it was more for support of anyone going through the same thing.

    The dr told me the lymph nodes I my chest are swollen, that was confirmed on the X-ray. So now she’s referred me for an urgent CT scan and has asked the consultant how they want to proceed because she thinks something needs done sooner.

    Dr has now referred me on an urgent pathway to haematology too. So everything is going on and I just feel so lost and worried by it all.

    I appreciate no one can tell me what it is, I’m just hoping someone has gone through a similar thing and can tell me what might happen next.

  • Hello I hope all your results are positive. Could you please let me know how you get on. My husband has had lung surgery to remove a tumour and now scan shows an enlarged lymph node is his chest he has to wait another month for another scan to see if there’s any change I hate the waiting game. Good luck.

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately I was diagnosed with stage 3b Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the end of July and have started 6 months of chemotherapy.

    I had a lot of symptoms that were related to blood cancer but I didn’t know at the time. It’s going to be a rough road but I’m trying to take one day at a time.

    try be positive. The kind I have is rare and I’m not sure what your husbands will mean given his tumour was in his lungs - my visible ones were around my neck which is common for blood cancers.

    I hope everything goes well with your husbands tests.

  • Hello  Erica92 Thank you for your reply. Im sorry your results were not positive but I hope all goes well with your chemotherapy and you get the best possible outcome. Keep your chin up and taking one day at a time is the best thing to do.