Previous Lipoma causing pain on thigh

Hello everyone,


so for the last week or so, I’ve managed to put myself into a panic. 

Long story short, I’ve had a lump on my thigh for a little while now. I went to the drs and they said it was a lipoma but if it caused any pain or grown to then go back. It did start causing some pain so I went back and a different dr looked at it and said it should still be okay. The problem is, it really is causing me difficulties and I’ve done the classic stupid thing of googling it and worrying it could be worse as it’s causing pain.


Am I overreacting thinking it could be something like a liposarcoma or could it literally just be the lipoma pressing on a nurve in my upper thigh? I hate feeling in this kind of panic mode but I don’t know what else to do. For reference, I’m 24 so I know statistically it’s  less likely to be something serious but I worry I could be the exception and it could be far worse.


any insight would be so helpful right now.

  • Hi GoodG2019,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to read about your worries - and it's of course perfectly natural to feel this way in these situations.

    While I can't offer any medical advice, I can only suggest the things you probably already know - to avoid Googling it as this is rarely helpful, and also to try to trust the doctors' opinions. If you feel there is doubt, or if you're still worried or if it gets worse, you could make another appointment - perhaps with a different doctor - and just make sure you ask all your questions and discuss any worries, to help with peace of mind.

    If you'd like to discuss anything with our nurses, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,


    Cancer Chat Moderator